1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 217: She was looking forward to a great night: getting all gussied up to turn the ape on.at ape, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 92: Good old boys with egos the size of BBs who want to prove how tough they are.at BB’s, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 21: His fingers came across a hard lump [...] God, he had touched the Big Casino.at big casino, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 21: He was preoccupied with his own mortality and expected to be struck down any time by ‘The Big C’.at big C, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 2: In the sixties, the blacks had tried to blockbust, and some found out the hard way [...] Four blacks were found dead in cellars.at blockbust, v.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 210: No one with a big operation is going to risk a burglary charge for what amounts to chicken feed.at chickenfeed, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 246: This Ricky is coming on real strong.at come on strong (v.) under come on, v.1
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 119: Different areas sell different brands. Eye of the Tiger ... White Death ... Devil’s Dust.at devil’s dust, n.2
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 220: There was a young, shapely black girl [...] Bender was white. Piccolo guessed it wasn’t the fuck’s daughter.at fuck, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 23: ‘I hate it [...] but I understand. We’re cops, right?’ ‘You got it.’.at you got it!, excl.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 38: What I want to do is to get his chief headbreaker – that’s a black guy named Ace.at headbeater, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 110: People keep dying. They go on, living high on the hog.at high on the hog under high, adj.1
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 148: This is the purest. From Brazil. We cut it here. You can hit it two, maybe three times.at hit, v.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 236: I’m going to get on the horn [...] Just call everyone I know.at horn, n.2
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 268: That cop [...] who got knocked off the force for posing in the nude. Knocked off, and then let back on.at knock off, v.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 102: I know they accused you of grass-eating [...] Everybody eats grass, I don’t see that as bad. As long as you aren’t a meat-eater, that’s fine.at meat-eater (n.) under meat, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 219: We got to make sure this guy don’t take a powder.at take a powder (v.) under powder, n.2
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 183: What scumfuckers you have for help! How could they let this jig walk?at scum fuck (n.) under scum, n.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 228: Bender took a long pull on the Scotch. It was a stiff one.at stiff, adj.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 229: That Spagnoli, he’s a tough fucker. He’ll make ’em talk.at tough, adj.
1986 T. Philbin Under Cover 264: You no-good cocksucker of a scumbag asswipe of a shitface humphead shiteating turdball motherfucker.at turdball (adj.) under turd, n.