1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 72: I don’t give a dab of wombat shit what’s good for Vietnam.at not give a shit, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 238: The closest and quickest help just happens to be ol’ Marvin the Arvin.at Marvin (the Arvin), n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 161: You’d think Flanagan would have done it just to keep Sergeant Hazard off his ass.at on someone’s ass under ass, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 223: You can bet your hairy balls they’ll be on the horn to the military police.at bet one’s balls (v.) under balls, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 257: Where’s Wildman? If that sad sack is ghosting again, I’ll have his butt on a biscuit for breakfast.at have someone’s balls (for a game of pool) (v.) under balls, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 239: When BLOOEY! The same mortar round that got me, got him.at blooey!, excl.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 119: They had their boondocker, taking a keg of beer, their old blankets [...] to some dry desert river bed.at boondocker, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 200: Hey, Joe. You cheap charlie.at cheap charlie (n.) under cheap, adj.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 8: Lieutenant Webber chews my ass; I chew your ass.at chew (on) someone’s ass (v.) under chew, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 57: Top company in this here circle jerk gets free beer in the mess hall every Sunday for a month.at circle jerk, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 244: How can you make a difference the way the Army is running this cluster-fuck?at clusterfuck, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 241: Here I come boppin’ in thinking everything is copacetic.at copacetic, adj.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 102: Put a cork in it, Willow.at put a cork in it! (excl.) under cork, n.1
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 34: You go tell that tall cocksucker [...] or I’ll kick his Frog ass back to the swamp you two cunt-licking snail eaters come from.at cunt-licking, adj.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 205: Number Seven, bring your motherfuckin’ bayonet up ... No, no, that’s too far, cunthead!at cunthead (n.) under cunt, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 181: I always noticed that all you close friends, all your cut-buddies, wore the CIB.at cut buddy (n.) under cut, n.1
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 173: If we out number them, they just dee-dee. [Ibid.] 223: We just pronounce everyone dead or captured and dee-dee the hell out of there, using the escape routes.at dee-dee, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 71: Use it when you should, but not to dig five dinks out of a clump of bushes.at dink, n.2
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 134: Your mom drinks like a goldfish.at drink like a fish (v.) under drink, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 211: A couple of old farts sitting around drooling over old times.at drool, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 296: Nobody puts his shit on my desk unless I say so, especially no faggot officer.at faggot, adj.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 119: They would [...] work on getting drunk or getting a little stink-finger.at stink-finger, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 34: You go tell that tall cocksucker [...] or I’ll kick his Frog ass back to the swamp you two cunt-licking snail eaters come from.at Frog, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 200: Hey, Joe. You want boom-boom? Fuckee-suckee?at fucky-fucky, n.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 257: Where’s Wildman? If that sad sack is ghosting again, I’ll have his butt on a biscuit for breakfast.at ghost, v.
1983 N. Proffitt Gardens of Stone (1985) 175: If he can make a soldier out of that gob of dog vomit, he deserves a Congressional, too.at gob, n.2