1937 E. Raymond Marsh 457: Depends on how soon the other bogey gets on the blower and phones his station.at blower, n.2
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 315: ‘He wouldn’t ’a’ been born at all if they’d managed all right in the brothel.’ [...] ‘Born in a case-house, he was.’.at case house (n.) under case, n.3
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 459: He gets fighting, and the other fellow [...] outs with his knife and chives him.at chiv, v.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 113: The claret’s runnin’. Both of ’em’s tapped the claret.at tap someone’s claret (v.) under claret, n.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 448: ‘You go with him.’ ‘And show my clock to a bogey? Not in ten years!’.at clock, n.1
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 361: The Secretary of State, having given careful consideration to the petition of Young High-cockolorum, sees no ground for granting his request.at high cockalorum, n.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 282: Your great bully [...] was here yesterday afternoon trying to bribe me to come copper about a burglary.at come (the) copper (v.) under copper, n.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 126: Why, there’s kids here that go nickin’. Real proper little lob-crawlers they are.at lob-crawler, n.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 149: As he was all flashed up, I went up to ’im and arst, ‘Got a copper, mate?’ [...] and Crimes, he turned out to be a bleedin’ split!at crimes!, excl.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 373: On the croaker’s, or doctor’s, orders, they took him from A Hall to the hospital wing.at croaker, n.5
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 126: Some of us may get our money on the cross, but we don’t bleed it out of them poor janes.at on the cross under cross, n.1
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 233: As an outside man, or ‘crow,’ one of his first tasks was to prospect all night outside [...] a large house in North Kensington.at crow, n.2
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 46: ‘Got the darbs all right, Sid?’ ‘You bet,’ answered Sid, and produced a dirty pack of cards.at darbs, n.2
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 180: A furnished house that looked to be unoccupied would be best – a ‘dead ’un,’ as Stretcher would have called it.at dead ’un, n.2
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 142: The grey hair, damp and wispy, told of nights in the doss or nights ‘on the deck’.at deck, n.1
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 328: How could you do with a nice two-eyed steak, eh, and a couple ’a’ doorsteps, with a nice pint of thick to wash it all dahn with, eh?at doorstep, n.
1937 E. Raymond Marsh 50: They waited till you come by with no-one on your tail-board, and then one of ’em cries, ‘Fat’s a-runnin’!’ and that’s the signal for his mates to swarm on your tail and drag all they can from the van.at fat’s a-running! (excl.) under fat, n.