1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom 327IV v: Letts see the late improvement of your art: / Bollocks! the Dildoes are not worth a fart.at not worth a fart, phr.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III i: Arse of all kinds I follow by the scent — / My Prick allows no spous but fundament.at arse, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Epilogue: Can Arse holes fire, tho’ it be feirce and greate, / Infuse more than a Cunt imortall heat?at arsehole, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom IV v: Let’s see the late improvement of your art: / Bollocks! the Dildoes are not worth a fart.at ballocks!, excl.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Dramatis Personae: Buggeranthes Generall of the Army.at buggeranto, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Prologue: You all love bawdy things, as Whores love chink.at chink, n.1
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Prologue: Come for to ease the itching of her arse, / Damn’d pocky jades, whose cunts are hot as fire.at cunt, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III v: ’Tis so with cunts’ repeated dull delights; / Sometyme theyve flowers for sauce, and sometyme theyve whites.at flowers, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom II ii: Ive long considered of your royall want / And grieved to see your gapeing Cunt, / Toucht your Large wombe and urged my frigger still, / Tired my weake arme your pleasure to fullfill.at frigger, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III i: Great Bolloxinians frigger beats allarmes, / By unctious poyson in her Cunt infus’d.at frigger, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Prologue: Their ulcer’d cunts, be being so abus’d, / And having too much Fuck therein infus’d.at fuck, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom 1st Prologue: You’ll find Some of their Cunts so stuff’d with gravy thick / That like an Irish Bogg they’ll drown your prick.at gravy, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom IV v: virtuoso: My power long since was in yt puddle drowned: / Loe and behold my seed lies on ye ground. fuckadilla: Hell on’t, tis soe [she seemes ill disposed] Oh madam, I’me Curst.at hell!, excl.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Prologue: Come for to ease the itching of her arse, / Damn’d pocky jades, whose cunts are hot as fire.at hot, adj.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom II ii: In tyme of termes she offers him her Arse, / Or with her mouth sucks jelly from his Tarse.at jelly, n.1
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom in Ashbee Centuria Librorum Asconditorum (1879) 339: V i: They’re apt to utter their complaints before / They come to find the keyhole of the door.at keyhole, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III ii: cuntagratia: The generall! I long to see his Pricke. They say he fucks all women in a trance. fuckadilla: Madam, youl say so when you see his lance.at lance, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III iii: Strange how it looks — methinks it smells like ling. It has a beard soe sad, the mouth all raw — / The strangest Creature that I ever saw.at ling, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom I i: My Prick to Bald Cunt shal no more resort: / Merkins rub off & often spoile the sport.at merkin, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III i: Hold, hold, no more, I cann no longer beare: / Im borne by Pox to fall and will fall here.at pox, n.1
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III i: Great Bolloxinian, no. / Your shanker Ranger & your great Bubo / Swell to your heart, your nodes and vicers stink, / All all are past one Cure or dyet drink.at ranger, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom IV v: Ile make em rub till prick and Bollocks cry / You’ve frigg’d us out of immortality.at rub up, v.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom Epilogue: Thus wee are made pregnant, while base dirty drabs / ffling Sperm on mount and their engender Crabbs, / Buboes and shankers, pocky noudes & Scabbs.at shanker, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom 1st Prologue: And make him sick, by friging till he spews / a sweet Revenge.at spew, v.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom 304I i: My Prick to Bald Cunt shal no more resort: / Merkins rub off & often spoile the sport.at sport, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom 1st Prologue: Damn’d feeble Pricks [...] We’re for the more substanial sollid Joies / of a brave Romantick swinging Prick / That’s twice five inches long.at swinging dick (n.) under swinging, adj.2
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom I i: Thus in the Zenith of my lust I reigne: / I eat to swive & Swive to eat againe.at swive, v.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom III iii: Come ’t is a harmless thing, draw near and try / You will desire no other Death to dye.at thing, n.
1684 Rochester (attrib.) Sodom [stage direction] Six naked men & six naked women appeare & dance. In their Danceing ye men do obeysance to ye womens Cunts, kissing and tonging them often.at tongue, v.