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The Adventures of Gil Blas choose

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[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) I 131: The saucy rascal swore she did not care a farthing for me!
at not care a farthing, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) II 169: I decamped as expeditiously as my legs could carry me [...] without caring a curse what became of the young brood I had plucked.
at not care a curse, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas III 418: Three good hours, at least, in adjusting and adonising myself.
at adonize, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 216: Adzooks! my dear.
at adzooks!, excl.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas II 180: As soon as I signified, to this ambidexter, my consent [...] he conducted me to the place where they were.
at ambidexter, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 13: Blood and oons! I am robbed of one hundred pistoles.
at blood and ’ounds!, excl.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 137: I always take care to have provision along with me: I [...] fill my knapsack with belly-timber, my razors, and a wash-ball.
at belly timber (n.) under belly, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 11: I was as much affected with this bite as I have since been with misfortunes of far greater consequence.
at bite, n.1
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas IV 248: The minister was going to retire into his closet, to bite upon the bridle at liberty.
at bite (on) the bridle (v.) under bite, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas III 143: I don’t want [...] a valet of such a religious deportment; I have been already bit by such another.
at bite, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas IV 75: Pray save me from the fury of a bravo that wants to kill me.
at bravo, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 205: They are merry, brisk, romping creatures.
at brisk, adj.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 133: One of your professed bullies, who take upon themselves the office of arbiters.
at bully, n.1
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) 1 172: Among the number was one of those professed bullies, who set up for great dons, and are the complete cocks of the tennis-court.
at bully, n.1
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas II 122: I am a chanter at your service, and amuse myself with clearing my pipes, as you will hear.
at chanter, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 59: He [...] then went away with his attendants and my coin.
at coin, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas 1V 61: Ah dog of a book! thou shalt never make me shed tears again.
at dog, n.2
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 188: We made two of them bite the dust.
at bite the dust (v.) under dust, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 119: We drank hard, and went home in a state of elevation – that is, half seas over.
at elevated, adj.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 11: Produce this trout of yours, gaffer Corcuelo.
at gaffer, n.2
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 119: We drank hard, and went home in a state of elevation – that is, half seas over.
at half seas over, adj.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 167: You have hit it.
at hit it, v.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 43: The action had been very hot.
at hot, adj.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas III 157: The minister laughed to see me so hot on the game.
at hot for (adj.) under hot, adj.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas II 137: This young fellow is a knight of the post, you may depend upon it, and I arrest him and his comrade.
at knight of the post, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 204: I’ll conduct you to a tavern where you shall drink nectar.
at nectar, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 72: ‘Odsbodikins!’ cried he.
at odsbobs! (excl.) under ods, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 85: Odd’s niggers! this smells strong of intrigue.
at ods nigs! (excl.) under ods, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas III 121: Monsieur de Santillane [...] I see you have been a little on the Picaro in your time.
at picaroon, n.
[UK] Smollett (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas I 23: I happened one day to scratch myself, upon which, setting up my pipes, as if he had flead, my mother came running in.
at set up one’s pipes (v.) under pipes, n.1
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