2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 169: In its anorak quality, its hobbyism, the event felt oddly English.at anorak, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 104: He was fooling around, too. He got into fornicating.at fool around, v.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 151: He’s got to be a kiss-ass to keep his job.at kiss-ass, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 106: When you see your friends leave and go back into Babylon, it’s disheartening. I’ve seen a lot of them come and go, and they profess and believe the same things I believe.at Babylon, n.1
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 214: This whole idea of it being a cult is so off-base.at off base (adj.) under base, n.2
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 181: Feuding – ‘beefing’ as it’s called – was back, too. [...] the most prolific beefer of all was [...] 50 Cent. The inside sleeve of his latest album, The Massacre, contained coded death threats on rival artists.at beef, v.1
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 200: Beefs in the hip-hop community are just the same as corporate beefs. Coke beefing with Pepsi.at beef, n.2
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 93: The community had been founded by gun nuts and Bible thumpers.at bible-thumper (n.) under bible, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 130: Is that such a big deal, having sex in the negotiating room?at big deal, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 15: RV parks populated by the flock of itinerant elderly known as ‘snowbirds’.at snow bird, n.1
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 196: For every bling bling, every bling that was on my neck and on my homie’s neck, somebody died for that.at bling, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 166: She had a nigger baby. [...] She had a boo baby.at boogie, adj.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 181: He’d married his ‘boss bitch’.at boss-bitch (n.) under boss, n.2
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 138: I can just show up because I’m the hottest one there. [...] But tonight they had eleven girls there and would’ve had to bump one.at bump, v.1
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 131: It would be a chance to see some of the old-style cathouses.at cat-house, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 79: He reminisced about his tomcatting days in the fifties.at tomcatting (adj.) under tom cat, v.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 200: If it ain’t got to do with me or my click, fuck a nigga!at click, n.2
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 62: Summer did her best to be enthusiastic, issuing bawdy come-ons.at come-on, n.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 23: I could at least have a crack at Bob.at have a crack at (v.) under crack, n.1
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 13: Do your friends and family regard you as a little bit cracked?at cracked, adj.
2005 L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 130: Haley had been strung out on ‘crank’ – the street name for crystal meth, a particularly toxic form of speed.at crank, n.2