at cop a plea, v.
at cop a plea, v.
at hill of beans, a, phr.
at make like (a)..., v.
at cop a steal (v.) under cop a..., v.
at -a, sfx
at how about that (then)?, phr.
at ace boon coon, n.
at pull a — act (v.) under act, n.
at fuck-it-all, adj.
at amigo, n.
at nickel-and-dime, adj.
at kick around, v.
at ass-tight under ass, n.
at shake one’s ass under ass, n.
at have one’s ass hanging (out) under ass, n.
at soft ass, n.
at -assed, sfx
at attaboy!, excl.
at bad scene (n.) under bad, adj.
at bad-eye, n.2
at be good!, excl.
at beat, v.
at can you beat it? under beat, v.
at beaucoup, adv.
at behind, n.
at get a belly (v.) under belly, n.
at big one, n.
at big time, n.2
at big boss, the, n.
at big, adv.
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