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Rope Burns choose

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[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 174: Punk, I tear you a new asshole!
at tear someone a new asshole, v.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 143: Nickel-dime gym bums looking to hustle a two-dollar loan.
at nickel-and-dime, adj.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 230: Jive-ass, ain’t no cabs cruisin these parts, you think I a fool?
at jive-ass, n.1
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 154: Hymn open up on Broadway and South Central [...] Long-ass way for somebody like Danger.
at -ass, sfx
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 12: Maybe he should watch his jive-ass racist mouth.
at jive-ass, adj.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 27: I don’t give a rat’s ass. I’m gonna hang around just to watch the fucker bleed.
at give a rat’s ass (v.) under rat’s ass, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 76: She kicked ass. Four fights and four kayos, two coming in the first minute of the first round.
at kick ass, v.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 17: Ballpark, I get first cut of the purse, 2 percent.
at ball-park figure (n.) under ball-park, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 80: She was a banger who waded in winging shots from all angles.
at banger, n.5
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 18: I tout him on La Costa, but tell him it isn’t cheap, and he says no big thing.
at no big deal, phr.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 112: Then they go back to their dark rooms and watch bimbo TV shows to keep their minds off the fight.
at bimbo, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 83: ‘What if the ref sees me?’ ‘Keep the bull bitch between you and him and he won’t.’.
at bull bitch, n.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 176: You a bitch, man [...] I’ma try you shit on some fool stick up he chin like me.
at bitch, n.1
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 150: Shawrelle think Hymn be his bitch, and next trick Shawrelle try to pull to tell Hymn to carry his gym bag down to the street.
at bitch, n.1
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 111: You bloods got no blood.
at blood, n.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 54: Fifth round and Dashiki make his run. He come out throwing bombs.
at bomb, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 36: Too bad about your boy, tough little booger.
at booger, n.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 55: The card girl jump into the ring, all prancing and shaking her booty.
at booty, n.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 88: ‘You could go to school. I’d drive you.’ Maggie would nod. ‘I know you would, boss.’.
at boss, n.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 191: The ugly brick-top would be so easy to finger in a lineup that he’d be spending most of his life in the joint.
at bricktop (n.) under brick, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 89: You’re wrong, bubba. Just knowin her’s been enough.
at bubba, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 25: Most of the customers were good ol’ boys and their buds.
at bud, n.1
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 181: They wanted to see how the old man would do against the big bulldagger ho.
at bull-dagger (n.) under bull, n.1
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 87: He bunked with a trainer friend.
at bunk, v.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 15: I never bet on a fight I’m working [...] This way, if I somehow screw up and cause my boy to lose, it can never be said that I did business.
at business, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 2: I did my best for a year or so in a bust-out gym in Ocean Park, California.
at bust-out, adj.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 165: What is now Chinatown is where the bust-out Irish working the railroads first lived.
at bust-out, adj.2
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 195: You ever thought of being a fighter instead of a butt fucker?
at buttfucker, n.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 134: Con was glad the ref hadn’t called him on the gun, because he’d been selling wolf tickets on the nine-millimeter from the git.
at call, v.
[US] F.X. Toole Rope Burns 165: If some fool of whatever color was coming to kill him, he’d pop a cap in his ass in a heartbeat.
at pop a cap (v.) under cap, n.2
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