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Taking the Count choose

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[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 341: You’re a smart fellow [...] You’re ace-high with the newspaper men.
at ace-high, adj.
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ in Taking the Count 155: Tierney says Callahan is a false alarm, and that the first fairly good boy he meets will lick him in a round.
at false alarm, n.1
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ Taking the Count 329: It’s a real old knock-down-and-drag-out after the fourth round.
at knock-down (and) drag-out, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 200: She’s Carsey’s cousin, that’s who she is [...] Now do you begin to git the angle?
at angle, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘Scrap Iron’ in Taking the Count 216: Celebrated knockout artists.
at -artist, sfx
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ in Taking the Count 167: A glove thudded [...] into the unarmored region known as the pit of the stomach. ‘Thatta boy!’ howled the Cricket. ‘Downstairs!’.
at attaboy!, excl.
[US] Van Loan ‘Easy Picking’ in Taking the Count 301: ‘Backing up, are you?’ sneeered Old Bird.
at back up, v.1
[US] Van Loan ‘Easy Picking’ in Taking the Count 310: I never even saw him start that last one. It was a beaut!
at beaut, n.1
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 336: Them dinky-legged beetles go good in the slop.
at beetle, n.2
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 183: Don’t be turnin’ up that busted beezer of yours so proud.
at beezer, n.1
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 175: A ‘blind-baggage tourist,’ a traveller contributing nothing to the upkeep of the right of way.
at blind, n.2
[US] Van Loan ‘Pearl Brooch’ in Taking the Count 252: Some fellow is sick or dead [...] and his lodge is giving a blow-out to get some coin.
at blow-out, n.1
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 200: Arthur snorted with disgust. ‘You’re a bright boy, you are!’.
at bright boy (n.) under bright, adj.3
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 330: The thick-skulled, unimaginative, old-style type of bruiser.
at bruiser, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 182: ‘Why not fight some of these guys? [...]’ ‘Dubs!’ interrupted the manager. ‘Bums!’.
at bum, n.3
[US] Van Loan ‘Scrap Iron’ in Taking the Count 208: It was Dickens who called a fist ‘a bunch of fives.’.
at bunch of fives, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 339: He oughta known that fellow Isaacs was the bunk.
at bunk, n.2
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ in Taking the Count 149: A right hook on the jaw sent him bye-bye.
at bye-bye(s), n.
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ Taking the Count 151: Our little friend [...] but [sic] a couple of centuries on Isidore.
at century, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ in Taking the Count 148: ‘Didn’t see you at the fight last Tuesday night, Tirney.’ ‘A fat chance!’ said the proprietor [...] ‘A fine, fat chance!’.
at fat chance, n.
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 337: He wears a big pair of black-rimmed cheaters.
at cheaters, n.2
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 185: Cheese, lady, cheese [...] I ain’t done nothin’ to rave about.
at cheese, v.1
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 325: Our bit won’t be less than a hundred thousand, cold.
at cold, adj.
[US] Van Loan ‘The Revenge of Kid Morales’ in Taking the Count 277: ‘He couldn’t hit me with a buggy whip!’ boasted Duffy.
at couldn’t hit someone with a buggy whip under couldn’t..., phr.
[US] Van Loan ‘Scrap Iron’ in Taking the Count 213: Your right cross is a darb.
at darb, n.1
[US] Van Loan ‘Out of His Class’ in Taking the Count 184: What do they care for the emotional stuff? Last night poor old Lorenze died standing up.
at die, v.
[US] Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 337: On a dry track that dawg wouldn’t have been one, two, nowheres.
at dog, n.2
[US] Van Loan ‘The Revenge of Kid Morales’ in Taking the Count 284: Smith never lets up on a fellow that dogs it [...] He’ll queer you and chase you out of the business.
at dog it, v.1
[US] Van Loan ‘Easy Picking’ in Taking the Count 308: ‘No hard feelings [...] May the best man win.’ ‘That’s the dope!’ said Old Bird.
at dope, n.3
[US] Van Loan ‘No Business’ Taking the Count 167: A glove thudded [...] into the unarmored region known as the pit of the stomach. ‘Thatta boy! howled the Cricket. ‘Downstairs!’.
at downstairs, adv.
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