1935 S. Lewis It Can’t Happen Here (2005) 120: How those nuts had put on the agony about ‘Corpo art,’ and ‘drama freed from Jewish suggestiveness’.at put on an/the agony (v.) under agony, n.
1935 S. Lewis It Can’t Happen Here 215: Lindy and you, playing footie-footie these last couple years.at play footsie(s) (v.) under footsie-footsie, n.
1935 S. Lewis It Can’t Happen Here 86: Dr. Goebbels. [...] is privily known throughout Germany as ‘Wotan’s Mickey Mouse’.at Mickey Mouse, n.
1935 S. Lewis It Can’t Happen Here 425: Senorita go roll your hoop, Or come to bed! Senorita from Guadalupe If Padre sees us we’re in the soup.at go roll your hoop! (excl.) under roll, v.