at all serene, adj.
at my aunt! (excl.) under aunt, n.
at blinder, n.3
at cheese it!, excl.
at confab, n.
at cool off, v.2
at not all it’s cracked up to be under crack up, v.1
at damn (someone’s) eyes! (excl.) under damn, v.
at beat the (living) daylight(s) out of (v.) under daylights, n.
at drat, v.
at here’s mud in your eye!, excl.
at no flies on..., phr.
at funk, v.2
at holy mackerel!, excl.
at inside dope (n.) under inside, adj.
at kipper, n.1
at knock up, v.
at label, n.
at lord love...!, excl.
at pick-me-up, n.
at one over the eight under one, n.1
at pin, n.
at plonk, v.
at poison, n.
at say when under say, v.
at thing, n.
at tiff, n.2
at what’s yours?, phr.
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