1998 I. Welsh Filth 219: Maisie’s new hoor is a class act who has split from her murderous bastard of a pimp.at class act, n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 287: I’m shite at accents [...] except for the Cockney cause I used to live down there. Orlroight moite? Dahn the old frog n toad.at frog (and toad), n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 286: She’s making such a song and dance.at make a song and dance (about) (v.) under song and dance, n.1
1998 I. Welsh Filth 150: Christ knows how I’d have got it up her chorus and verse!at chorus and verse, n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 314: Stronach, now bolstered by Lennox’s arse-licking, has stopped trying to compete with Dolacre.at arse-licking (n.) under arse-lick, v.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 130: Tattie famine, my hole. It’s cause these fenian cunts are erse-shaggers.at arse-shagger (n.) under arse, n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 186: They’ll have a smart-arsed lawyer [...] doon here straight away.at smart-arsed, adj.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 247: I’ll get the bastard though, sure as fuck I’ll get him.at sure as fuck under sure as..., phr.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 52: These spastics are not fucking well getting it their own way [...] that’s as sure as the shite on your shoe.at sure as shit under sure as..., phr.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 186: Setterington and Gorman are [...] veterans of questioning. They’ll give away Scottish Football Association.at Scottish Football Association, n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 159: As I empty the bag, she does a fantastic stage groan.at empty the bag (v.) under bag, n.1
1998 I. Welsh Filth 179: We’re still putting up wi that auld troll that does the bag-off programme on telly cause ay them.at bag-off, adj.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 15: The Chief Super’s got me by the bollocks.at have someone/something by the balls (v.) under balls, n.
1998 I. Welsh Filth 145: I was reading in the Sunday paper about some old cunt who [...] traded in his old banger for some premium fresh minge.at banger, n.3