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Chips with Everything choose

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[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I i: I will tear [...] the scorching daylights out of any one who smarts the alec with me.
at smart-aleck, v.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II i: Rise, rise, rise and shine – Christmas is over. Wakey-wakey, rise and shine. Let’s have you!
at rise and shine!, excl.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: Why do you want to pick on me, you lunatics, you bloody apes.
at ape, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I i: We ’ad bags o’ fun, bags o’ it.
at bags (of), n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II ix: It’s always someone else, you half-bake, you, you lousy word-user you.
at half-bake, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II iii: first corporal: You’re a slob, Smiler. second corporal: A nasty piece of work.
at nasty bit of work, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I i: And whatever you’re doing, even if you’re stark rollock naked, you’ll all spring to attention as fast as wind from a duck’s behind.
at stark bollock naked, adj.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II i: All the officers in charge of this camp have got their guns on you and they’re aiming to throw the book at you – the whole, heavy, scorching book.
at throw the book at (v.) under book, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II ix: The others have all gone to the Naafi [...] gone for a big booze-up.
at booze-up, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I vi: But there’s one of you needs to buck up his ideas.
at buck up, v.2
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II xi: I don’t much want to do my own buggers, let alone his.
at bugger, n.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: I don’t give tuppence what you say.
at not care twopence, v.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II i: Rouse yourself, Smiler, or you’ll get us all in the cart.
at in the cart under cart, n.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I ix: I’m going to get something out of this mob – it’s going to cost them something keeping me from civvy street.
at civvie street (n.) under civvie, adj.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I vii: Cannibal has spoken, come on, me ole cocker, say more.
at cocker, n.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: Cut it! stuff it! Shoot your load on someone else, take it out on someone else.
at cut it, v.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II xi: He’s staying behind, you know? I reckon they’ll make him do another two weeks for this.
at do, v.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: You poor duff bastards, where are your mothers?
at duff, adj.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I xi: pip: Each time you say ‘always’ the world takes two steps backward and stops bothering. And so it should, my God, so it should – wilfe: Easy, airman, easy.
at easy!, excl.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I vii: Aren’t they living it up, just, eh?
at eh?, phr.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II xi: Blimey, what’s gotten into you? Jumping at me like that.
at get into, v.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I ii: Give over, Wilfe, give over.
at give over!, excl.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II xi: Takes the guts out of you, don’t it. Look at him, lying there like a bloody corpse.
at gut, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II i: Hands off your cocks and pull up your socks, it’s wake to the sun and a glorious day.
at hands off (your) cocks, feet in (your) socks under hand, n.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I iii: A straight line, you heaving nig-nogs, a straight line.
at heaving, adj.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II ix: Ah, you give me a pain in the neck, you do, you’re a coward.
at give someone a pain in the neck (v.) under pain (in the neck), n.1
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II vi: pip: Don’t be a bastard Jock. andrew: I’m trying to help you, idiot.
at Jock, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything I ii: I got wise to the old man’s lies / And kicked him up his you know, you know, you know, you know what I mean.
at you know what, n.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II vi: Don’t lean on me, Andrew – I’ve got problems.
at lean on, v.
[UK] A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: Cut it! stuff it! Shoot your load on someone else, take it out on someone else.
at shoot (off) one’s load (v.) under load, n.
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