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Promos and Cassandra choose

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, [UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra IV iv: Go to Barber, no more, least Copper you catch.
at catch copper (v.) under catch, v.1
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra III vi: la: Teare not my clothes my friends, they cost more than you are aware. be: Tush, soon you shal haue a blew gown, for these take you no care.
at bluegown (n.) under blue, adj.1
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra II V i: These two dayes, I haue bene in Court [...] To salve hir Fame, crackt by his breache of fayth.
at cracked, adj.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I V iv: Nay, gogs foote.
at gog, n.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra II IV ii: To his knauery himselfe, a bawdy jack doth proue.
at jack, n.1
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I I iii: And I smealt, he lou’d lase mutton well.
at laced mutton (n.) under laced, adj.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra II ii: Set forth thy selfe to brauest show [...] accompt thou thy selfe the cheefe, of Lady Pleasures traine. [...] Thy weedes are braue, thy face is fine, & who for this doth paye?
at lady of pleasure (n.) under lady, n.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra IV iv: Well letherface, we shall haue you Asse ere you goe.
at leather-face (n.) under leather, adj.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I IV iv: It behoues me to be secret, or else my neck verse cun.
at neck verse (n.) under neck, n.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I V iv: Well, well, Dalia, the Loue ych bare to thee, Hath made me sicke, and pickt my purse from me.
at pick, v.1
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra II I iii: Nay, nay sayes he (good pugges) no more of this: Well, sayes she, and weepes, my griefe you do not proue.
at pug, n.1
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I I ii: Yong Ruflers maintaines thee, defends thee and thine.
at ruffler, n.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra I IV vii: Come, smack me; I long for a smouch.
at smack, v.
[UK] J. Whetstone Promos and Cassandra II ii: Al a flaunt now vaunt it, braue wench cast away care, With Layes of Loue chaunt it.
at wench, n.
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