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The Blazed Trail: Stories of choose

Quotation Text

[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 160: Do you suppose Morrison and Daly give a tinker’s dam how many men of theirs you lick?
at not care a tinker’s (curse), v.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 173: That no-account jackass of a Big Junko ain’t worth as much per thousand feet as good white pine.
at no-account, adj.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 126: I took her to a dance one night, / A mossback gave the bidding – / Silver Jack bossed the shebang, / And Big Dan played the fiddle.
at moss-back, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 66: Regular old backwoods mossback.
at moss-back, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 43: Be the gate of Hivin! [...] You’re a burrd!
at bird, n.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 126: I took her to a dance one night, / A mossback gave the bidding — / Silver Jack bossed the shebang, / And Big Dan played the fiddle.
at boss the show (v.) under boss, v.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 88: Every time he got a little ‘budge’ in him, he instituted a raid on the town owned by a rival firm.
at budge, n.2
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 125: The whole Fighting Forty shrieked out the chorus: ‘Bung yer eye! Bung yer eye!’.
at bung, v.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 32: ‘Got another letter, chummy,’ said he.
at chum, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 26: The cookee had built a little camp fire, around and over which he had grouped big fifty-pound lard-tins, half full of hot things to eat.
at cookee, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 251: It was a point of honor with them to stay ‘until the last dog was hung.’ He who deserted in the hour of need was not only a renegade , but a fool.
at until the last dog dies, phr.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 185: Can’t down the Old Fellow.
at down, v.2
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 102: ‘That ain’t a fair shake,’ cried the man excitedly.
at fair shake, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 161: Nothing was to be depended on but sheer dogged grit.
at grit, n.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 160: They sent some low-lived whelp down there to hang our drive, and by smoke it looks like they were going to succeed, thanks to you mutton-heads.
at mutton-head, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 192: Old Morrison he’s as busy as hell beatin’ tan-bark.
at hell beating tanbark under hell, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 160: They sent some low-lived whelp down there to hang our drive, and by smoke it looks like they were going to succeed, thanks to you mutton-heads.
at holy smoke!, excl.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 73: ‘Our compact holds now, honest Injun; doesn’t it?’ asked the boy anxiously. ‘Honest Injun,’ laughed Thorpe.
at honest Injun, phr.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 160: Our boys died doing their duty – the way a riverman ought to. Now hump yourselves! Don’t let ’em die in vain!
at hump, v.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 95: And now this condigned jobber ties us up for a million and a half .
at jobber, n.2
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 166: ‘Jumping fish-hooks!’ he cried. ‘Why, the river’s up six inches and still a comin’!’.
at jumping, adj.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 125: She’s my daisy Sunday best-day girl, / And her front name stands for Kitty.
at kitty, n.2
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 178: ‘Well, for th’ land’s sake!’ ejaculated the scandalized negro.
at landsakes! (excl.) under land, n.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 175: We’re going to burn your mill; we’re going to burn your yards; we’re going to burn your whole shooting match, you low-lived whelp!
at whole shooting match, the, phr.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 44: He would have made a good boss [...] He’s a hard man to nick.
at nick, v.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 185: At this point the speaker was interrupted. ‘Saw off,’ ‘Shut up,’ ‘Give us a rest,’ growled the audience.
at saw off (v.) under saw, v.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 126: I took her to a dance one night, / A mossback gave the bidding– / Silver Jack bossed the shebang, / And Big Dan played the fiddle.
at shebang, n.
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 136: By the way, you might shine up to Hilda Farrand and join the rest of the fortune-hunters.
at shine up to (v.) under shine, v.2
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 140: The firm’ll bust because she can’t pay; I’ll bust because I’ll have to let my stock go on margins – it’ll be an awful smash.
at smash, n.1
[US] S.E. White Blazed Trail 84: Three hundred millions are not to be sneezed at.
at not to be sneezed at under sneeze, v.1
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