1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 1: Expressions like ‘I’m living on Air Pie’ for ‘I’m going hungry’, [...] or ‘I’ve seen more dinner times than dinners,’ I heard my parents say.at air pie (and a walk around) (n.) under air, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 8: For going to the Lav we used euphemisms like ‘I’m going to see my Aunt’.at my aunt (n.) under aunt, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 11: I’m all Buggered up like Barneys Bull.at buggered up (adj.) under bugger up, v.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 4: When we got back we were cooty too.at cooty, adj.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 9: I heard her say ‘We can’t pay the landlord today, he’ll have to cork his arsehole up’.at cork up, v.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 7: I often heard Adults saying to grizzling children ‘It’s no use you kicking up a Dido! You ain’t getting your own way’.at cut up didoes (v.) under dido, n.1
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 2: You’re done up like a Dog’s Dinner.at done like (a) dog’s dinner (adj.) under dog’s dinner, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 2: The very few overdressed would be accused of ‘looking like a pox doctor’s clerk’.at look like a pox doctor’s clerk (v.) under look like..., v.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 4: I married a wife old hen [...] My wife she dies old hen.at old hen (n.) under old, adj.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 2: Those who were ‘Hard Up’ [...] were: down and out, on the rocks.at on the rocks under rocks, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 7: The most commonly used expressions for kicking up a row were ‘causing a shemozzle’ and ‘raising cain’.at shemozzle, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 8: If he had said ‘Piss off’ she would have sloshed him with a saucepan.at slosh, v.1
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 2: Silver collectively was snow.at snow, n.1
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 10: We all knew that [...] Stumers were the horses my old man kept backing.at stumer, n.1
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 6: When a woman said ‘I’ll have to be going, where’s my Ta-Ta?’ she meant ‘I’m off where’s my Titfer.’.at ta-ta, n.
1979 (con. 1930s) J. Wolveridge He Don’t Know ‘A’ from a Bull’s Foot 8: For going to the Lav we used euphemisms like [...] ‘I’m going to have to sit on the Throne.’.at sit on the throne (v.) under throne, n.