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Love in a Wood choose

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[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Moreover she is bow-legg’d, hopper-hipp’d [...] and has a Complexion like a Holland cheese.
at hopper-arsed, adj.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Yes, she’s one of your brisk silly Baggages.
at baggage, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood III i: I dare no more venture myself with her alone, than a Culley that has been bit, dares venture himself in a Tavern, with an old Rook.
at bite, v.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood V i: Do not let me lose the Widow too; for if you do [...] I and my small annuity are both blown up.
at blow up, v.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood IV iii: I long till his bona-roba comes, that you may be both dis-abus’d.
at bona roba, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood IV i: A Bully that fights not himself, yet takes pleasure to set people together by the ears.
at bully, n.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: For every wit has his culley, as every squire has his led captain.
at led captain, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Hang me if I am not pleas’d extreamly with this new fashioned catterwouling, this midnight coursing in the Park.
at caterwaul, v.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: He a dancing-master, he’s a chouse, a cheat, a meer cheat.
at chouse, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood V i: Fortune our foe, we cannot over-wit, / By none but thee, our projects are Cross-bit.
at crossbite, v.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood [Dramatis Personae] mrs. crossbite, an old cheating Jilt, and Bawd to her Daughter.
at crossbiter, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: joyner.: You are the Picklock and dark-Lanthorn of Policy.
at dark lanthorn (n.) under dark, adj.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood (1967) V i: sir simon: Then I am as it were a Grand father to your new Wives, hans en kelder; to which you are but as it were a father; there’s for you again, Sir — ha, ha.
at Hans-en-Kelder, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Are you not a Fireship? a Punk, Madam?
at fireship, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: gripe: You are the Cup-board of Charity. joyner: You are the Fob of liberality.
at fob, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: Intending a ramble to St. James’s Park to-night, upon some probable hopes of some fresh Game I have in chase.
at game, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood 52: Have you ravish’d my Daughter then, you old Goat? ravish’d my Daughter.
at goat, n.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood Act V: Indeed, I found myself six months gone with Child, and saw no hopes of your getting me a Husband.
at gone, adj.2
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Hang me if I am not pleas’d extreamly with this new fashioned catterwouling, this midnight coursing in the Park.
at hang me! (excl.) under hang, v.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: She [has] no more Teeth left, than such as give a Haust-goust to her breath.
at hogo, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: Coyness in a woman is as little sign of true modesty, as huffing in a man, is of true courage.
at huff, v.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: But a pox he is a meer Buffoon, a Jack-pudding let me perish.
at jack pudding (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: Know ’em, you are a sawcy Jack-straw to question me, (faith and troth) I know every body and every body knows me.
at jack straw (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood III i: Nay, she’s a very Jew in that particular. [Ibid.] V i: That zealous Jew, your Father.
at Jew, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: How has he got this Jilt here?
at jilt, n.1
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood II i: sir simon: Are you handsom? flippant: Jone’s as good as my Lady in the dark certainly.
at joan, n.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood III i: Your Spanish Hose are scurvy, ugly Hose, lousie Hose, and stinking Hose.
at lousy, adj.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: But why shou’d you force your chaw’d jests, your damn’d ends of your mouldy Lampoones, and last years Sonnets upon us.
at mouldy, adj.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood III i: Mum, mum, make no excuses man.
at mum!, excl.
[UK] Wycherley Love in a Wood I i: He watches like a younger Brother that is afraid to be mump’d of his snip.
at mump, v.
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