at St Nicholas’s clergyman, n.
at pedlar’s French, n.
at cockloft, n.
at abactor, n.
at leaky, adj.
at slop, n.1
at bird’s nest, n.1
at blooming, adj.1
at abactor, n.
at cabbage, n.2
at choker, n.1
at lather, v.
at Bate’s Farm, n.
at blooming, adj.1
at crack on, v.2
at everlasting staircase (n.) under everlasting, adj.
at fake, n.1
at kid, n.1
at armstrong, adj.
at marshall, n.
at upper ten push (n.) under upper ten, adj.
at cattle, n.
at take one’s gruel (v.) under gruel, n.
at tiddleywink, v.
at marked with a T, phr.
at cock (a Broseley), v.2
at jig-a-jig, n.
at short of a sheet, phr.
at jig-a-jig, v.
at rump and a dozen, n.
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