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Canidia choose

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[UK] R. Dixon Canidia 51: Never be daunted, never blush, / And for no man care a rush. / Brazen it out stoutly, swell, look big, / Fear no man, Tory nor Whig.
at not care a rush, v.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia v 8: To Dirty Whores give your respect. / Annyseed Robin, or Pudding-Pye-Doll.
at aniseed Robin, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia v 86: Catamits, Bardashes, Orphean Boys, / Lustful Trinkets and Toys.
at bardash, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia i ii: We treat mad-Bedlams, Toms, and Besses, With ceremonies and caresses.
at Tom of Bedlam, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia i 34: If a By-blow comes, she is to hide it, / The dam must marry, simper, Bride it; / Put the Bastard out to Nurse, / Or strangle it, ’tis none the worse.
at by-blow, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia v 29: He trusts abroad, and he trusts at Home, / Rich Goods and Bastards take up Room. / Alas, saies the Bawd, it was his doom, / Poor man, let him hang out the Broom.
at hang out the broom (v.) under broom, n.1
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia ii 49: What think ye of those dainty Dames, / That patch and paint, to kindle Flames? / By open Harlotry t’entice ye, / Clap ye, Pox ye, and Spice ye.
at clap, v.1
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia 87: Dy-Coggers, / Betters and Wagers. / Fallacious Sophisticators, / Abominable Adulterators. / Pragmatical Agitators, / Busie-body Innovators [...] and Tale-Bearers. Cursers, Blasphemers, Dammers and Swearers, Ranting-Rory-Tory-Ground-Tearers.
at cogger, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia iv 49: She there lies Leager, / Till she can find another, eager / Upon the Business, some hot Shot / That has a mind to go to th’ Pot.
at hot-shot, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia II 23: Hired-Servants bargain wisely, / From six to six, knock off precisely.
at knock off, v.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia 80: ‘But we Witches to be sure are deluded, / From this, and all other favours excluded. / Tho we can ne’re so well rehearse, / We are not allowed our Neck Verse’.
at neck verse (n.) under neck, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia iv 49: She there lies Leager, / Till she can find another, eager / Upon the Business, some hot Shot / That has a mind to go to th’ Pot.
at pot, n.1
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia 48: They’l dress up Lies in Prinkum prankum, / And th’ Worlds Fools and Knaves shall thank ’um.
at prinkum-prankum, n.
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia ii 49: What think ye of those dainty Dames, / That patch and paint, to kindle Flames? / By open Harlotry t’entice ye, / Clap ye, Pox ye, and Spice ye.
at spice, v.1
[UK] R. Dixon Canidia ii 23: Though lord and Lady have the Squirt, / Leav’um in the Dark and Dirt.
at squirt, n.
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