c.1673 Dorset ‘The Debauchee’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) n.p.: Then Crop-sick all morning, I rail at my Men, / And in Bed I lie yawning ’till Eleven again.at cropsick, adj.
c.1673 Dorset ‘The Debauchee’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) n.p.: I send for my whore, when for fear of a clap, / I stand in her hand, and I spew in her lap.at spew, v.
1680 Dorset ‘On the Countess of Dorchester, Mistress to King James the Second’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 25: Proud with the Spoils of Royal Cully, / With false pretence to Wit and Parts; / She swaggers like a batter’d Bully, / To try the Tempers of Men’s Hearts.at battered bully, n.
c.1685 Dorset ‘On Dolly Chamberlain, A Seamstress’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 26: In Revenge I will stitch / Up the Hole next her Breech, / With a Needle as long as my Arm.at as long as one’s arm (adj.) under arm, n.
c.1685 Dorset ‘On Dolly Chamberlain, A Seamstress’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 26: In Revenge I will stitch / Up the Hole next her Breech, / With a Needle as long as my Arm.at needle, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) n.p.: But by the help of an assisting thumb / Squeezes his chitterling into her bum.at chitterling, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 31: How haughtily he cries, Page, fetch a Whore [...] Bring in that black-ey’d Wench; Woman, come near; / Rot you, you draggled Bitch, What is’t you fear?at draggle-tailed, adj.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 31: Her noble Protestant has got a Flail, / Young, large and fit to feague her briny Tail.at feague, v.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 35: How H---t boasts, that his wise King’s Head Crew / Foretold the dismal Times we all should rue.at King’s Head Inn (in Newgate Street), n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 34: I wonder he dares speak, for fear we jerk / His lazy Bones, and make the Monkey work.at monkey, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 38: His ogling Pigsnies dote on Lady Di.at pigsnyes, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 32: In some deep Saw-pit, both their Noddles hide.at pit, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 31: Thy rammish spendthrift Buttocks, ’tis well known, / Her nauseous Bait has made thee swallow down.at rammish (adj.) under ram, n.1
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 31: How haughtily he cries, Page, fetch a Whore [...] Bring in that black-ey’d Wench; Woman, come near; / Rot you, you draggled Bitch, What is’t you fear?at rot you! (excl.) under rot!, excl.1
1686 Dorset ‘A Song’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 57: If a Lord should but whisper his Love in the Crowd, / She’d sell him a Bargain, and laugh out aloud.at sell a bargain (v.) under sell, v.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 36: She mounts the Price, and goes half Snack herself, / And well knows how to cully such an Elf.at half-snack (n.) under snack, n.1
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ in Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 30: Well has his Staff a double Use supply’d / At once upheld his Body and his Pride.at staff, n.
1686 Dorset ‘A Faithful Catalogue of our most Eminent Ninnies’ Works of Rochester, Roscommon, Dorset (1720) 36: That is, may the decay’d incestuous Punk / Swill like his Spouse, and he, like her, die drunk.at swill, v.
1690 ‘Anniversary’ Cabinet of Love (1739) 231: Each salacious itching Twatt and Arse Pleads Non-Resistance to the Royal Tarse.at twat, n.
1709 ‘The Discovery’ Cabinet of Love (1739) 180: With Transport he some little Time lay dead; / But soon reviving, rais’d his Coral Head.at coral branch, n.
1709 ‘Lord Rochester against his Whore-Pipe’ Cabinet of Love (1739) 221: Have you forgot the double Clout, That lat’ly swath’d your dripping Snout?at clout, n.1
1709 ‘Lord Rochester against his Whore-Pipe’ Cabinet of Love in Rochester & Others (1720) 221: Have you forgot the double Clout, That lat’ly swath’d your dripping Snout?at clout, n.1
1709 ‘The Discovery’ Cabinet of Love (1739) 180: [She] lays the Dildo by; Then with the Sheet, rubs her Tu quoque dry.at tu quoque, n.
1723 ‘Panegyrick upon Condums’ in Cabinet of Love (1739) 224: Alley’s dark Recess, or open Street Known by white Apron, bart’ring Love with Cit ... at cheapest Rate.at white apron (n.) under apron, n.
1732 T. Stretser Arbor Vitae in Cabinet of Love (1739) 204: That of this Tree that Club was made, with which the Bully Hero’s said t’have tam’d the fifty Daughters wild of Thespis.at club, n.