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[UK] Hickscorner Cv: Yet had I neuer be by the nose tyde In a wenches ars somewhere Rather than I wolde stande in that gret fere For to go up to heuen naye I praye you lette be.
at arse, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Aiv: Syr she wynked on me and sayd nought But by her loke I knewe her thought Than in to loues daunce we were brought That we played the pyrdewy .
at play (at)..., v.
[UK] Hickscorner Av: What brother welcome by this precious body I am gladde that I you see It was tolde me that ye were hanged.
at body, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Aiii: Where laye I last beshrewe your herte Jone Now by these bones she hath begyled me.
at ten bones, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Avii: Braulers lyers getters and chyders Walkers by nyght with grete murderers [...] and Joly carders Oppressers of people with many swerers.
at carder, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Aiv: We played the pyrdewy I wote not what we dyde togyder But a knaue catchpoll nyghed us nere And so dyde us aspye.
at catchpole, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: By cryst I recke not a feder Euen now I was dubbed a knyght Where at Tybourne of the collar And of the stewes I am made controller Of all the houses of lechery.
at Christ!, excl.
[UK] Hickscorner Bii: And with this dager thou shalte haue a cloute.
at clout, n.2
[UK] Hickscorner A iii: Kockes passyon my noble is tourned to a stone. [Ibid.] A iv: Cockes body herke he is in a shyppe on the see. [Ibid.] B i: By kockes herte he shall dye on this dager. [Ibid.] Civ: Kockes deth whom haue we here.
at cock, n.1
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: By cryst I recke not a feder Euen now I was dubbed a knyght Where at Tybourne of the collar And of the stewes I am made controller Of all the houses of lechery.
at collar, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Aiii: Syr, the whoresones coude not conuaye clene [...] Yet as for me I was neuer a thefe.
at convey, v.
[UK] Hickscorner Bi: I wyll rappe you on the costarde with my horne.
at costard, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Av: Ye knowe well there is crafte in daubynge I can loke in a mannes face and pycke his purse And tell newe tydynges it was neuer trewe.
at daub, v.
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: And of the stewes I am made controller Of all the houses of lechery There shall no man playe doccy there [...] without they haue leaue of me.
at play doxy (v.) under doxy, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Biii: There may be many goodly gylte knyues And I troe as well apparaylled wyues Yet many of them be unthryfty of theyr lyes And all set in pryde to go gaye.
at go gay (v.) under gay, adj.
[UK] Hickscorner Avii: Braulers lyers getters and chyders Walkers by nyght with grete murderers [...] and Joly carders Oppressers of people with many swerers.
at getter, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: Goddes woundes who gaue the[e] that counsell [...] By Goddes sides, I had liever be hanged on high.
at God, n.1
[UK] Hickscorner Bi: By our lady then wyll ye be staungled in a halter.
at halter, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Biii: I am come of goode kynne I tell the[e] My moder was a lady of the stewes blode borne And knyght of the halter my fader ware an horne.
at horn, n.1
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: Huffe huffe huffe who sent after me I am Imagynacyon full of jolyte.
at huff!, excl.
[UK] Hickscorner Bii: He japed my wyfe and made me cuckolde.
at jape, v.
[UK] Hickscorner Bi: Put up your blade Shethe your whyttell or by Jyz it was neuer borne.
at by Jis! (excl.) under Jis, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Aiii: Kockes passyon my noble is tourned to a stone Where laye I last beshrewe your herte Jone Now by these bones she hath begyled me [...] Now by these bones I haue lost an halfpeny.
at joan, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Biii: I am come of goode kynne I tell the[e] My moder was a lady of the stewes blode borne And knyght of the halter my fader ware an horne.
at knight of the..., n.
[UK] Hickscorner Biii: I am come of goode kynne I tell the[e] My moder was a lady of the stewes blode borne And knyght of the halter my fader ware an horne.
at ...the halter under knight of the..., n.
[UK] Hickscorner Avii: Thou lubber Imagynacyon That cuckolde thy fader, where is he become.
at lubber, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Cv: If thou wylt forsake thy mysse Surely thou shalte come to the blysse And be inherytoure of heuen.
at miss, n.1
[UK] Hickscorner Aiv: In Newgate we dwelled togyder For he and I were bothe shakeled in a fetter.
at Newgate, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Ci: I wolde that hell were full of suche prymmes Than wolde I renne thyder on my pynnes As fast as I myght go.
at pin, n.
[UK] Hickscorner Civ: And of the stewes I am made controller Of all the houses of lechery There shall no man playe doccy there [...] without they haue leaue of me.
at play, v.
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