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[UK] New Custom II ii: Come on thou grosse headed knaue, thou whoreson asse I say.
at ass, n.
[UK] New Custom II ii: Come on thou grosse headed knaue, thou whoreson asse I say.
at big-headed (adj.) under big head, n.1
[UK] New Custom I ii: Marie auvaunt, Jackesauce, and pratling knaue.
at marry come up!, excl.
[UK] New Custom II iii: Holde your handes you rude knaue or by goddes bodie I sweare, I wyll quickley fetche my fyst from your eare.
at fetch, v.2
[UK] New Custom I i: Surely I fear me, Ignorance, this geare will make some desolation.
at gear, n.
[UK] New Custom II iii: Redresse? nowe by goddes guttes I will never straye, Tyll I finde meanes to ridde the beast out of the waye.
at God, n.1
[UK] New Custom I i: As fit a sighte it were to see a goose shodde, or a sadled cowe, As to heare the pratlinge of any suche iacke strawe.
at jack straw (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] New Custom II ii: Beleeue mee Simplicitie, that will worke us the mischiefe, Hath that same new Jacke gotte him such a mate.
at mate, n.1
[UK] New Custom I i: I woulde so haue scourged my marchant, that his breeche should ake.
at merchant, n.
[UK] New Custom II iii: His nails, I would plague them one way or another .
at nails!, excl.
[UK] New Custom I ii: Thinkest thou I haue no Logique, in dede thinkest thou soe? Yes princockes, that I haue.
at princock, n.
[UK] New Custom I i: Do you not see howe these newe fangled pratling elfes, Prinke vp so pertly of late in euery place?
at prink, v.
[UK] New Custom I i : It would almost for anger (sir reverence!) make a man to piss, / To hear what they talk of in open communication.
at sir reverence! (excl.) under sir-reverence, n.
[UK] New Custom I ii: No, God’s soul, I warrant him, I will see him rotten, / Before that my doctrine I shall have forgotten.
at rotten, adj.
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