1864 J.S. Le Fanu Uncle Silas 80: If I like the girl I’ll not be mug in and mug out about it.at mug in and mug out, be, v.
1864 J.S. Le Fanu Uncle Silas II 88: And why the puck don’t you let her out, you stupe?.at fuck, the, phr.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 69: Uncle Silas brought out the chestnut of how a game keeper had blown his hat off with a double-barrelled gun.at chestnut, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 58: He looked hard at me, without a twinkle. ‘You goin’ to cork this in? Keep it secret all right?’.at cork, v.1
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 7: Snotty little bit of a chap, red hair, always had a dew-drop on the end of his nose.at dewdrop, n.1
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 66: He was reputed [...] to have a fancy lady in Nice. [Ibid.] 68: I haven’t got a fancy affair in Nice! [...] She lives in Monte Carlo!at fancy woman, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 150: He challenged Goffy to a five-mile race, and beat him to a frazzle.at beat to a frazzle (v.) under frazzle, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 172: It seemed that sometimes, too, he would drink his medicine in one swig, by the bottleful. He was so far gone as that.at gone, adj.1
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 131: My Uncle Silas would go on to describe not only how big Porky Sanders was [...] but what a smashing, hell-fire, holy terror he was.at hell-fired (adj.) under hell, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 66: He carried a saucy silver-topped walking stick and smoked cigars and looked exactly what he was: a masher.at masher, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 81: Stop him! Every ’nation time I try to git out o’ this trap he moves on.at nation, adv.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 134: Porky dear, the best thing in the world you can eat is cucumbers.at porky, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 114: I’ve been fighting against it for eighty years and more. All my puff.at all one’s puff under puff, n.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 124: My Uncle Silas looked at the flowers in his buttonhole. ‘Toffed up a bit?’ he said.at toffed-up, adj.
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 26: Uncle Silas said swiftly ‘Tot out,’ and I uncorked the wine bottle while he found the glasses.at tot, v.1
1939 H.E. Bates My Uncle Silas 10: If you weren’t so old I’d warm your breeches till you couldn’t sit down.at warm, v.