at not give a shit, v.
at one-and-one, n.1
at within an ass’s roar (of) under ass, n.
at under one’s belt under belt, n.
at bogtrotting (adj.) under bog, n.3
at bowsie, n.
at box, n.1
at chap, n.
at chiseller, n.
at click, v.3
at cock of the walk (n.) under cock, n.3
at put to the pin of one’s collar (v.) under collar, n.
at collar, n.
at deader, n.
at Lanna Macree’s dog, n.
at dogbox, n.
at super-duper, adj.
at on one’s ear under ear, n.1
at eejit, n.
at old fellow, n.
at fit to be tied under fit to..., phr.
at get a gait on (v.) under gait, n.
at gobshite, n.
at see any green (in my eye)? under green, n.1
at holy Willie (n.) under holy, adj.
at hot, v.1
at stick it!, excl.
at jawbreaker, n.
at Jesus!, excl.
at kick up (a) murder (v.) under kick up, v.
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