at smart apple (n.) under apple, n.1
at give someone a pain in the arse (v.) under pain in the arse, n.
at beat all (v.) under beat, v.
at burn, v.
at butt, v.
at to Christ under Christ, n.
at christly, adj.
at chunk, n.1
at ready for the cleaners under cleaners, n.
at non-com, n.
at what’s cooking? under cook, v.1
at crum, n.
at hit the dirt (v.) under dirt, n.
at duck soup, n.
at flat, n.1
at gone goose (n.) under gone, adj.1
at keep your hair on! (excl.) under keep one’s hair on, v.
at hell on under hell, n.
at shove it!, excl.
at lose it, v.
at Jerry, adj.
at job, n.2
at kill it (v.) under kill, v.
at kraut, n.
at lump, n.
at out, adv.1
at screw up, v.
at slug, v.2
at stinking, adj.1
at yellow, adj.
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