1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 78: He left [...] quite careless as to what ‘didoes and shines’ he might cut up in future.at cut up a dido, v.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 17: Let’s licker one more round, and then absquattle.at absquattle, v.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 22: We go the hull shoat with them.at go the whole shot (v.) under whole bang shoot, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 14: Jest at eight bells, up ruz the gall, stark naked.at bell, n.1
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 11: I left the hull bilin’ on ’em blazin’ drunk.at blazing, adv.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 180: Mr. D’s cranium – positive mountains amongst the ant hills thrown up by the other propensities affecting his brain pan.at brainpan (n.) under brain, n.1
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 50: If my sow-licitude is hurtin’ yer chitterlings, why be smashed into a hog’s pudding.at chitlins, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 19: You oughter be the commodore of all them cold water clubs, and perpetual president of all temp’rance teetotallers.at cold water (n.) under cold, adj.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 16: I recking the capting’s ebeneser was roused.at ebenezer, n.1
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 77: Skeet, every daddy’s babby of you.at every mother’s son, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 187: The marriage was of course broken off. His intended declined a connection with a jail bird.at gaolbird, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 15: I recking that he was the raal grit for a parson.at real grit (n.) under grit, n.1
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 17: Here’s jest a leetle horn a piece in the bottle – let’s licker one more round.at horn, n.2
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 13: Then he took a ‘spell ho!’ at the jawin’ tackle.at jawing-tackle, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 14: The sojer had carried a small flask of Monongahely in his pocket.at mahogany, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 95: I’ve a Colt’s revolver in each pantey’s pocket.at panties, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 14: Jest to see if he couldn’t soft soap the young critter out of a leetle rhino.at soft soap, v.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 12: First rate stuff it was, I swow. It oiled the parson’s tongue like all out doors.at stuff, n.
1848 W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 74: Mr. Brattle dressed himself in a new bright blue coat [...] and a pair of large and showy unwhisperables.at unmentionables, n.