at tear someone a new asshole, v.
at shit a brick, v.
at mess about, v.
at b and e, n.
at give the red ass (v.) under red ass, n.
at shit ass, n.
at coon-ass, n.
at sit there with one’s finger up one’s ass under ass, n.
at bare-ass, adj.
at stick it up someone’s ass under ass, n.
at up to one’s asshole under asshole, n.
at God-awful, adj.
at back off!, excl.
at bag, v.
at whatever bakes one’s biscuit, phr.
at ball the jack, v.
at balls to the wall(s) under balls, n.
at bank on (v.) under bank, n.1
at banty, adj.
at I’ll be!, excl.
at beefy (adj.) under beef, n.1
at beer joint (n.) under beer, n.
at big bucks, n.
at big banana (n.) under big, adj.
at flip a/the bird (v.) under bird, n.2
at blow some tunes (v.) under blow, v.2
at bohunkus, n.
at boneyard, n.
at booger, n.2
at booger, n.3
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