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The Farm choose

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[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 170: All the acey-doosies and heavytalkers.
at ace-deuce, n.2
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 139: All that’s a nicesoundin songndance.
at song and dance, n.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 84: The headnurse Miss Harvey, she’s always in yer ass about somethin.
at in someone’s ass under ass, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 104: A little whitey came in from 1 of the deep bigfoot countries, a doctor.
at big foot country, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 246: She brought a book in with her and wants to lay it on me. It looks very respectable, Daddy, with very good names in Frisco.
at book, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 74: It hurts me as much as a time a guy buss me in the centre of the head with a winebottle full of piss.
at buss, v.2
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 22: You just keep pressin my button. You been itchin to bring this subject up for months.
at press someone’s button(s) (v.) under button, n.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 184: I hustled up, smearing my armpits with Mum and my just washed body with the cheesy Commissary grease some guys used to screw sissies with around here.
at cheesy, adj.2
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 223: Lissen, Sonja, you ain’t a chicken no more.
at chicken, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 103: I never could figure how I chumped myself off on something like that.
at chump off (v.) under chump, v.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 67: ‘It says you assumed the blame for everything.’ ‘They had me cold.’.
at cold, adv.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 50: Did you know that was the time I got cracked? That the Man swooped down on me.
at crack, v.3
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 93: Little Junior came in, decked out with a chintzylooking little blue tie.
at decked, adj.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 168: You’re such a God Damn Dickhead about the way you think life oughta be.
at dickhead, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 71: Saturday, I got high on mace, 4 packs for a do from an Oyea over in K joint.
at do, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 99: I didn’t hear a thing that doofus little guy said.
at doofus, adj.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 22: Tamerlane was a big black dumpy dopie.
at dopie, n.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 94: I cut it off by running down my holebit and the thing that brought it on.
at run down, v.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 211: I saw she wasn’t wearing panties. [...] I grew a flag.
at flag, n.2
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 93: I get enough laughs outta what these foolass dopefiends have to say to last me till next month.
at fool-ass (n.) under fool, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm 221: Maybe not for you. Maybe you had somethin goin with her in the Free, and I didn’t know about it.
at free, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 185: She recrossed her legs, and I knew Cambridge must be getting some disturbing gappers.
at gapper, n.3
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 137: Mother Gish was watching me suspiciously from the front door, a puffed little glob in governmentgreen.
at glob, n.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 86: I rubbed a gooey blob of dirt off my right forearm.
at gooey, adj.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 151: ‘You look like you goin to roll in the hay,’ Joe Antman snickered.
at roll in the hay, v.
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 93: Little Junior came in [...] dragging along some of his Washington homies.
at homey, n.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 124: That AA shit’s all a hype to get to the broads; I know: I got a broad there.
at hype, n.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 97: You said you want to get Out of It, and I do too.
at out of it, adj.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 205: Pretty soon you’ll be find yourself jackin off in the toilet.
at jack off, v.1
[US] C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 210: I could feel her flesh [...] against me, where I could rest My Man on her thigh.
at man, n.
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