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The Compleat Gamester choose

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[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common apellation of Rooks.
at biter, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 134: When they intend to bleed a Col to some purpose [...] they always fix half a score Packs of Cards before [...] by flicking them or spurring them.
at bleed, v.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 12: Bristle-dice [...] are fitted for their purpose, by sticking a Hogs-bristle so in the corners, or otherwise in the Dice, that they shall run high or low as they please.
at bristles, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 12: If the Winner be bubbleable, they will insinuate themselves into his company.
at bubble, v.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common appellation of Rooks.
at budge, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester Preface: The Bully-Rock, with mangy fist, and Pox, Justles some out, and then takes up the Box.
at bully-rock (n.) under bully, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 7: They can discover some unexperienc’d young gentleman [...] that is come to this School of Virtue, being unskill’d in the quibbles and devices there being practised; these they call Lambs, or Colls.
at coll, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common appellation of Rooks.
at crossbiter, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common appellation of Rooks.
at gold-dropper, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 1: Gaming is [...] a paralytical distemper which, seizing the arm the man cannot chuse but shake his elbow.
at shake one’s elbow (v.) under elbow, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common apellation of Rooks.
at filer, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 123: The five fingers (alias, five of trumps) is the best Card in the pack; [...] the Five-Fingers not only wins the Ace of Trumps, but also all other Cards whatever.
at five fingers, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 134: When they intend to bleed a Col to some purpose [...] they always fix half a score Packs of Cards before [...] by flicking them or spurring them.
at flick, v.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 12: This cheating they do by false Dice, as High-Fullams 4, 5, 6; Low-Fullams, 1, 2, 3.
at fulhams, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common appellation of Rooks.
at gilt, n.2
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 15: Another way the Rook hath to cheat, is by [...] Knapping, that is when you strike a Dye dead that it shall not stir [...] I have seen some so dexterous at knapping, that they have done it through the handle of a quart Pot, or over a Candle and Candlestick.
at knap, v.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 8: They can discover some unexperienc’d young gentleman [...] that is come to this School of Virtue, being unskill’d in the quibbles and devices there being practised; these they call Lambs, or Colls.
at lamb, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 170: [of Hazzard] Four and Five to Seven is judged to have the worst on’t, because Four (called by the Tribe of Nickers little Dick-Fisher) and Five have but two chances, Trey Ace and two Deuces, or Trey Deuce and Quarter Ace.
at little Dick (n.) under little, adj.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 8: The whole Gang will be ever and anon watching an opportunity to make a Mouth of you.
at mouth, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 8: If they nick you, ’tis theirs; if they lose they owe you so much.
at nick, v.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester Preface: If out, he raps out Oaths I dare not tell, Hot, piping out, and newly come from Hell, Old Nick o’re-hearing, by a Palming-trick Secures the Gamester; thus the Nickers nickt.
at Old Nick, n.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester Preface: If out, he raps out Oaths I dare not tell, Hot, piping out, and newly come from Hell, Old Nick o’re-hearing, by a Palming-trick Secures the Gamester; thus the Nickers nickt.
at nicker, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 7: They will [...] nim your gold or silver buttons off your Cloak or Coat.
at nim, v.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 6: Shoals of Huffs, Hectors, Setters, Gilts, Pads, Biters, Divers, Lifters, Filers, Budgies, Droppers, Crossbyters, etc., and these may all pass under the general and common apellation of Rooks.
at pad, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 14: Another way the rook hath to cheat, is by [...] Slurring, that is by taking up your Dice as you will have them advantageously lie in your hand, placing the one a top the other, not caring if the uppermost run a Mill-stone.
at run a millstone (v.) under run, v.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 14: Another way the rook hath to cheat, is by [...] Slurring, that is by taking up your Dice as you will have them advantageously lie in your hand, placing the one a top the other, not caring if the uppermost run a Mill-stone [...] if the undermost run without turning, and therefore a smooth-table is altogether requisite for this purpose.
at slur, v.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 5: These Rooks can do little harm in the day time at an Ordinary, being forc’d to play upon the Square.
at on the square under square, adj.
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 14: Another way the Rook hath to cheat, is [...] by Topping, and that is when they take up both dice and seem to put them in the Box, and shaking the Box you would think them both there, by reason of the ratling occasioned with the screwing of the Box, whereas one of them is at the top of the Box between his two forefingers, or secur’d by thrusting a forefinger into the Box.
at topping, n.1
[UK] C. Cotton Compleat Gamester 170: Four and Five to Seven is judged to have the worst on’t, because Four (called by the Tribe of Nickers little Dick-Fisher) and Five have but two chances, Trey Ace and two Deuces, or Trey Deuce and Quarter Ace.
at tray, n.1
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