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Rose of Spadgers choose

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[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Narcissus’ in Rose of Spadgers 154: The Lord ’Igh Muck-a-muck, wot done the trick.
at high muck-a-muck, n.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Spike Wegg’ in Rose of Spadgers 149: I’ve to speak / Me piece, to be took down in black an’ white, / In case I chuck a seven overnight.
at chuck a seven, v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 15: An’, if them partin’ words weren’t meant fer me, / Well, I’m the gay angora, I suppose.
at act the angora, v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘A Holy War’ Rose of Spadgers 47: An’ us crusaders two / Goes down to-night to Spadgers, to cut loose / Till all is blue.
at till all is blue, phr.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Spike Wegg’ in Rose of Spadgers 144: That ’e ’ad swore to [...] make ’is alley good with Rose.
at make one’s alley good (v.) under alley, n.3
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘The Faltering Knight’ in Rose of Spadgers 19: But, all the same, ’e wouldn’t back an’ fill, / An’ argue with ’imself, an’ ’esitate.
at back and fill, v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Nocturne’ in Rose of Spadgers 55: Listen – on the square – / I’ve done me tin. I’m bottle-green, dead broke.
at bottlegreen and lousy, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘The Dance’ in Rose of Spadgers 136: Wot sort uv tile an’ bags / Is them to wear?
at bags, n.2
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Stone the Crows’ in Rose of Spadgers 131: Go in bald-’eaded! Rush ’er orf ’er feet!
at bald-headed, adv.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Rose’ in Rose of Spadgers 89: She’s short uv grit to battle on ’er own.
at battle, v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Nocturne’ in Rose of Spadgers 52: Fools as stacks uv beans to spill.
at beans, n.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Spike Wegg’ in Rose of Spadgers 146: Nex’ thing, ’e rips / A knife beneath me guard an’ gives a dig— / Sticks me fair in the bellers, like a pig.
at bellows, n.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 76: Rat-face does ’is block. / ’E loosens up a string uv epi-tits.
at do one’s block (v.) under block, n.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Rose’ Rose of Spadgers 89: The cause looks blue. Wot more was to be said?
at blue, adj.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Nocturne’ in Rose of Spadgers 55: I knoo the sort of gold – / Priced in the brumy [sic] shops four an’ a zac.
at brummy, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 88: ‘Time? Yes,’ I chips. ‘You’ll git that fer yer pains. Ar, brush yer brains!’.
at brush your brains! (excl.) under brush, v.3
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 73: Yeh’ve bunged ’is eye ’an bashed in ’arf ’is teeth.
at bung, v.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Nocturne’ in Rose of Spadgers 53: Dead keen to splash around ’is surplis wealth / On rapid livin’ till ’e’s bust an’ broke.
at bust, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 77: If I ’ad not cut loose / In Spadgers, in them days long, long deplored, / ’Ow could I knowed the run uv Foo’s caboose?
at caboose, n.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Introduction’ in Rose of Spadgers 10: Regardin’ morils, I was on a cert.
at on a cert under cert, n.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘A Holy War’ in Rose of Spadgers 54: An’ then ’e chats me, with the punkest tale / That ever got a bad man into jail.
at chat, v.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 78: A squealin’ Chinee fiddle.
at Chinee, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 78: A fat Chow goggles at the broken hasps.
at Chow, n.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘A Holy War’ Rose of Spadgers 43: A crooked crook is Spike amongst the crooks, / A rat, ’oo’d come the double on ’is friends.
at come the double (v.) under come the..., v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Introduction’ in Rose of Spadgers 🌐 We don’t intend to be unkind or rude / Or crayfish on the things we said before.
at crawfish, v.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘The Faltering Knight’ in Rose of Spadgers 19: ’E was a crook young coot, / While I’m a sturdy farmer.
at crook, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘The Faltering Knight’ in Rose of Spadgers 21: I ’ear she’s took, / Or thinks uv takin’ on to ways that’s crook.
at crook, adj.
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘’Ave a ’Eart!’ in Rose of Spadgers 74: The man’s ’arf dead a’ready! Wot’s yer dart?
at dart, n.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘Rose’ in Rose of Spadgers 91: I ’ave done me dash / Through actin’ rash.
at do one’s dash (v.) under dash, n.1
[Aus] C.J. Dennis ‘The Faltering Knight’ in Rose of Spadgers 19: A bloke gets born, [...] / Dreams dilly dreams, then wakes to find a wife.
at dilly, adj.1
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