1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 33: Other Black terms for the penis include arm (compare armed services shortarm inspection ‘examination for veneral disease’).at short-arm inspection (n.) under short arm, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 33: Other Black terms for the penis include arm (compare armed services shortarm inspection ‘examination for veneral disease’), [etc.].at arm, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: The most trusted one – often the oldest in his service and not necessarily the most beautiful or the favorite – is the bottom whore, bottom woman, bottom bitch, or main lady and is given a certain amount of authority over her ‘sisters.’ She is also sometimes called Mother.at main bitch, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 74: Blue is still widely used among Negroes in the meaning ‘extremely dark’.at blue, adj.6
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: The most trusted one – often the oldest in his service and not necessarily the most beautiful or the favorite – is the bottom whore, bottom woman, bottom bitch, or main lady and is given a certain amount of authority over her ‘sisters.’ She is also sometimes called Mother.at bottom woman (n.) under bottom, n.3
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 70: The piano itself has been the eighty-eight, the box, and any number of other things.at box, n.1
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 89: Slight value is attached to the prostitute who is a come freak (multiorgasmic) or a fuck freak.at come-freak (n.) under come, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: One of Silky’s girls describes the copping fuck of the newly accepted member of the stable – fifteen different positions.at copping fuck (n.) under cop, v.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: To cop (also to catch, or to pull) as a transitive verb is not, of course, peculiar to prostitution, but cop without expressed object meaning ‘induce a girl to ally herself with a particular pimp’ is. To lose a girl to another pimp is to blow, and the (usually) more or less friendly competition between pimps is described as cop and blow.at cop and blow (v.) under cop, v.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 36: The man doing the cuckolding may be a creeper, a term which occurs frequently in many contexts.at creeper, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 89: The term get down also applies, in prostitution, to starting work for the evening.at get down, v.2
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 70: The piano itself has been the eighty-eight, the box, and any number of other things.at eighty-eight, n.1
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 89: A prostitute whose abilities do not include conning the John out of his scratch (i.e., money) is a flatbacker.at flatbacker, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 91: The shoes, which Morton identifies as ‘St. Louis flats’ and ‘Chicago flats,’ were often specially made for the wearer and were elaborate in design.at St Louis flats, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 90: The pimp who gives this kind of instruction is running down game to his whores.at run down the game (v.) under game, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 23: An excellent example of the half-familiarity of the white population with Black sexual terms is provided by the name Jody, if Bruce Jackson’s derivation from Joe de Grinder is accurate.at Joe the Grinder, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 96: [Gunny] is ‘an old word which identifies a particularly strong form of marijuana found in Jamaica and Africa.’ Another form, Black Gungeon, is listed as related. Although the phonological relationship is not absolutely convincing, according to the Dict. of Jamaican English, this word may come from the same source as Jamaican ganga.at black gungeon (n.) under gungeon, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 33: Hambone, very frequent in the older blues, may easily be understood by a modern listener.at hambone, n.3
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 87: The other type [of pimp] may be a gorilla pimp or a hard Mack.at hard mack (n.) under hard, adj.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: A pimp trying to acquire either the experienced professional or the new recruit will hit on the girl ‘try repeatedly to win her’.at hit on, v.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 33: Other Black terms for the penis include arm [...] swipe, private, Jones, pecker, stallion, Mister Tom and Johnson.at johnson, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 37: Salty meaning ‘angry, annoyed, in a bad mood’ occurs frequently in inner city slang; jump salty can mean ‘turn sour or hostile’.at jump salty (v.) under jump, v.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: The whores plus the pimp are a ‘family,’ and of course, the prostitutes may be called wives or old ladies.at old lady, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 14: He is a ‘square,’ a ‘lame,’ or even a ‘sissy’ — depending upon the degree of deviation from his peers.at lame, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 69: That kind of pejoration has obviously taken place with terms like licorice stick ‘clarinet’ and slush pump ‘trombone’.at liquorice stick, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 87: The pimp who does not exhibit the Iceberg Slim-type dominance [...] can either be a sweet Mack or a sugar pimp.at sweet mack (n.) under mack, n.2
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: Her [i.e. a whore’s] sexual equipment may be a moneymaker or a money ’cumulator.at money-maker (n.) under money, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 96: Another interesting marijuana term studied by Folb is black moat ‘a particularly potent form of marijuana.’ Because of the phonological process of ‘weakened’ articulation of a final voiceless stop, the term tends to be something like black mo for the Negro population of Los Angeles.at black mote (n.) under mota, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 88: The most trusted one – often the oldest in his service and not necessarily the most beautiful or the favorite – is the bottom whore, bottom woman, bottom bitch, or main lady and is given a certain amount of authority over her ‘sisters.’ She is also sometimes called Mother.at mother, n.
1977 J.L. Dillard Lex. Black Eng. 33: Other Black terms for the penis include arm [...] swipe, private, Jones, pecker, stallion, Mister Tom and Johnson.at Mr Tom (n.) under Mr, n.