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One Night Out Stealing choose

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[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 29: Humour’s my ace card.
at ace, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 51: He was getting wild at these fullas still winning. Tin-arsing more like it.
at tin-arse, v.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 104: There’s a whole city out there of dumb-arse straights.
at -arsed, sfx
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 134: Even the hard-arses in the Tavi said Sonny was a handsome little critter.
at hard-ass, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 118: The woman spoke in her dreamy tone. [...] She was away with the fairies.
at away (with the fairies) (adj.) under away, adj.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 18: Twice he’d done time for it. Sonny, I think Mr Reid might be gonna get his beans here. Is that so?
at get beans (v.) under beans, n.2
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 68: Living in a joint like this you can bet your black arse he got here by robbing the poor.
at bet one’s (sweet) ass (v.) under bet, v.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 105: Not to mention the big bikkies. Very big.
at bikkies, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 41: You leave the bizzo side to me.
at bizzo, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 84: Shoes. We gotta get ourselves some St Louis blues, boy.
at St Louis blues, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 103: Grab her hand and shove it down on the old fulla [...] Feel that for a boner, babe.
at boner, n.4
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 85: Jube [...] with an exercise-yard-style sway to him and wearing his smokylensed shades...Boob-walkin, shaded, fat walrus mo and a few days’ stubble.
at boob walk (n.) under boob, n.1
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 10: Sonny [...] had a very old boob dot under his right eye from his first borstal lag.
at boob dot (n.) under boob, n.1
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 10: With their obvious histories tatooed all over em, and the rare ones that had none or hardly any, like Sonny here who only had a very old boob dot under his right eye.
at boob, n.1
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 147: [B]oobheads, they seize on anything elaborate to justify their stupid existences.
at boobhead (n.) under boob, n.1
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 53: I knew this was it, cuzzy; we are gonna be getting it on.
at cuzzy-bro, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 10: So you gonna come up with a once-in-lifetime burg, maybe, that’ll set us up for life?
at burg, n.2
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 89: Cellies? Oh cellies, yeow. Celebrations, Son, you got it. So where we gonna start? [...] They decided on a bar in central city.
at cellies, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 105: Only Sonny’s leftovers of some Chink takeaway food.
at Chink, adj.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 132: A guy. Deep voice. Big voice. Singing churchy crap. What, Sonny’s gone religious?
at churchy, adj.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 107: You wanna hear the variations these people get on taking the Social Welfare to the cleaners — it’s an art.
at take to the cleaners (v.) under cleaners, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 153: Kevin whatshisname, the coon cunt, was a real humdinger, though as a rule he hated blacks.
at coon, adj.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 103: Grabbing a handful of her box (man, at least it’s nice and hairy) and rubbing your mits all overe the hair, then a finger probing for the crack.
at crack, n.3
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 93: Room’d been too much of a crash-pad, a place you slept, and now and again brought a woman, some low-life scrubber.
at crash-pad, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 102: You all [...] drank more piss, went outside to dack up with a few of the boys.
at dack up (v.) under dacca, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 92: Jube revved his engine up, but with a small smile on his dial.
at dial, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 28: These car freaks they won’t play Scrabble [...] too many words they don’t know. You get em on diffs and stuff and they’re geniuses.
at dif, n.
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 104: Might be worth a try again some other time. Nah, too much of a dog to look at.
at dog, n.2
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 84: Them dogs’ll keep, Son.
at dogs, n.1
[NZ] A. Duff One Night Out Stealing 13: These kinda people are eggs, as they call it in the vernacular here.
at egg, n.2
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