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[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 4: $1 kajillion bajillion, Figure the president of the United Sates mockingly suggests Dr. Evil might as well ask for when the latter demands a $100 billion payment.
at bajillion, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 119: shag, To boff. To make the beast with two backs. [...] To engage in sexual intercourse.
at make the beast with two backs (v.) under beast, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 16: bird, American astronaut slang, apparently, for ‘space shuttle’.
at bird, n.1
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 17: bitchslapping, Misogynistic term for physical abuse popularized in gangsta rap music and seen frequently on daytime TV talk-show melees.
at bitch slap, v.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 18: ’Blow me’, The retort of Dr. Evil’s son, Scott, upon being asked by his father whether or not he wants ‘to see what Daddy does for a living’.
at blow me!, excl.1
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 60: heinie, butt; bum; ass; [...] bottom; bucket.
at bucket, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 132: The second is carneys, people who work in carnivals.
at carney, n.2
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 60: heinie, butt; bum; [...] seat; cheeks.
at cheeks, n.1
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 31: He’s ‘got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey’.
at on deck under deck, n.1
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 119: shag, [...] You know, get down, make love, all that. To engage in sexual intercourse.
at get down, v.2
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 60: heinie, butt; bum; [...] buns; end.
at end, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 51: finger, the, Insulting gesture in which an individual extends the middle digit on his or her hand and directs it toward another individual.
at finger, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 61: hop on the good foot and do the bad thing, A sexual encouter.
at hop on, v.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 67: jagoff, Possible corruption of ‘jack off.’ An insult Scott Evil hurls at Klansman during a taping of The Gerry Springer Show.
at jag-off, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 70: ’Jumpin’ German Jesus!’, Exclamation of frustration used by the president of the United States when he learns he must pay Dr. Evil blackmail money.
at jumping Jesus!, excl.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 18: [He] bursts into the cell to take a gander at Felicity’s exposed jubblies.
at jubbies, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 4: $1 kajillion bajillion, Figure the president of the United Sates mockingly suggests Dr. Evil might as well ask for when the latter demands a $100 billion payment.
at kabillion, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking vi: Give this book a looksee.
at looksee, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 32: Austin realizes all is not well with his meat and two bits.
at meat and two veg (n.) under meat, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 122: Austin shouts ‘Vanessa, you’re a Fembot!’ in disbelief, she comes back at him with, ‘No shit, Sherlock’.
at no shit, Sherlock!, excl.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 18: [A] little boy maniacally holding a plate of burgers and whatnot.
at what-not, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 146: I got nukes up the yin-yang.
at nuke, n.2
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 146: He cannot nuke Dr. Evil and instead has to pay him his blackmail money.
at nuke, v.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 34: His eye-patch-wearing second-in-command, Number 2.
at number two, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 31: [He] asks Austin for a courtesy flush after hearing what he presumed to be Austin’s struggle with an altogether different type of Number 2.
at number two, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 38: The president of the United States calls Dr. Evil a ‘nutbar’.
at nutbar (n.) under nut, n.2
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 101: ‘Those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh, comrades?’ offers Austin.
at pig, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 32: I don’t care if he is a bastard, you don’t kick a man in the pills.
at pill, n.
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 122: shitter, Toilet.
at shitter, n.1
[UK] L. Gould Shagadelically Speaking 6: They take the flight in order to tangle with Dr. Evil on the moon.
at tangle with (v.) under tangle, v.
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