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Autobiography of a Female Slave choose

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[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 142: I don’t care a cuss for that.
at not care a curse, v.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 10: My mother, Keziah the cook, commonly called Aunty Kaisy.
at aunt, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 324: I had observed her during the day as a garrulous, racketty sort of baggage.
at baggage, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 252: Mr. Summerville made his ‘better half’ or worse, (I know not which), understand that very important business urged his immediate return to the city.
at better half, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 245: I was a wild boy; a ‘brick’ as they usin’ to call me.
at brick, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 168: He gave me a violent kick in the side with his rough brogan.
at brogan, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 56: He struck Jake a lick dat kum mighty nigh puttin’ out his eye. It’s all bunged up now.
at bunged up, adj.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 54: Hush your nonsense, you does know dat Ann is done cold dead.
at cold, adv.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 138: Dis ar’ nigger, if you pleases, sar, would like to hab a leetle drap ob de critter dat you promise to him.
at critter, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 40: ‘Now cut like the wind,’ he added, as he flourished his whip in the direction of the young blacks [...] and quick as lightning they were off.
at cut, v.2
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 169: No, I be d----d if you shall, you rascally free nigger.
at I’ll be damned! (excl.) under damn, v.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 138: As you treed dat ar’ d----d nigger-wench, you desarves a drap or so.
at damned, adj.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 101: Tell me whar that d----d gal is, or I’ll cut every mother’s child of you to death.
at every mother’s son, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 144: Her old fagged-out frame ain’t worth the waste of my leeches.
at fagged (out), adj.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 139: You has put more questions to me than a Philadelphy lawyer could answer. ’Pon my soul, Jane, you is a fast ’un.
at fast, adj.1
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 20: By gar, I’d like to see her be for tryin’ it.
at gar, n.1
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 87: Sompen is de matter wid her. She bin flyin’ round here like somebody out ob dar head.
at out of one’s head (adj.) under head, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 53: Masser Jones he swar a mighty heap.
at heap, n.1
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 169: Now take your dirty black hide away, or it will be the worse for you.
at hide, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 166: Coffin! hoity-toity! Father’s not going to give her a coffin.
at hoity-toity!, excl.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 56: I tells you, honey, Masser does swar a heap.
at honey, n.1
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 96: Yes, but what’s it to you, Amy?
at what’s it to you?, phr.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 247: At last, on foot, after long travel, I reached Kaintuck.
at Kentuck, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 237: ’Tis well [...] that you were a woman, else would it have gone hard with you. Kited through the streets with a coat of tar and a plumage of hen-feathers, you would have been treated to a rail-ride, none the most complimentary.
at kite, v.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 39: Laws-a-mercy, sights I’s seen in my times.
at lawks-a-mussy! (excl.) under lawks!, excl.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 42: Laws, master, I’ll be ’tickler enough.
at laws!, excl.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 139: You has put more questions to me than a Philadelphy lawyer could answer.
at Philadelphia lawyer, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 168: Take that for yer imperdence. Who tole you to put yer mouth in?
at put one’s mouth in (v.) under mouth, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 246: Wal, I owed some men a parcel of money, gamblin’ debts.
at parcel, n.
[US] M. Griffith Autobiog. of a Female Slave 15: Pompey told me the child was sold away from me.
at Pompey, n.
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