1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 46: A narrow-shouldered Puerto Rican who was a knife artist on the outside.at -artist, sfx
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 47: I’m beginning to look like a bad-ass. I went to the barber and got a crew cut, and it made me look even tougher.at bad-ass, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 47: They gotta bring ass to get ass, and they just ain’t gonna get ass.at bring ass to get ass under ass, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 15: I flash the baby blues, all right. I give them the blondie boy look.at baby-blues (n.) under baby, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 18: ‘Cops, man. That’s why he’s here. He banged out some bacon.’ [...] ‘No shit? You beat up a cop?’.at bang out (v.) under bang, v.1
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 44: ‘He’s a banger.’ [...] ‘Banger? He’s a goddam killer.’.at banger, n.5
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 214: I take them on my gloves. Cool and easy. Bing with the jab. Bing.at bing, v.2
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 203: Hell, I’d like to give you a boff, boy. Right in the ass. Bet you like it there, don’t you, boy?at boff, n.1
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 51: All them boiled shirts comin’ aroun’ here for the fights – that’s the Parole Board, man.at boiled shirt (n.) under boiled, adj.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 172: Watch when you’re shaking hands [...] Some of these guys, they give you the bone-crusher.at bonecrusher, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 6: He was diddy-bopping, like some dude on Lenox Avenue.at diddy-bop, v.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 26: You mean he’s the boss fag [...] Pimp of all pimps, princess of the fuck boys.at boss, adj.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 243: Who the hell you think you’re talkin’ to, Jewboy?at Jew boy, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 235: She’s singing here downtown. Down in one of the bust-out joints.at bust-out joint, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 174: I hope he ain’t a tomato can. [Ibid.] 178: They say he’s a tank artist, a tomato can, a guy who goes in the water for a few bucks, and that he was a good fighter once, a long time ago.at tomato can, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 249: ‘I’m Bobby’s father,’ he said. ‘I might as well cut through the chicken fat. I know you don’t have a contract with my son.’.at cut the crap, v.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 26: ‘You mean he’s the boss fag?’ ‘You got it [...] Head dick-chewer.’.at dick-chewer (n.) under dick, n.1
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 32: You are what is known as a white fuck. A white fuck don’t do easy time. You can be a duke or a dip, a fuck boy or a jailhouse punk.at dip, n.2
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 32: You are what is known as a white fuck. A white fuck don’t do easy time. You can be a duke or a dip, a fuck boy or a jailhouse punk.at duke, n.4
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 48: You better kick this dinge’s ass, Fallon, or half of us are gonna be eatin’ black dong tonight.at eat dong (v.) under eat, v.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 26: They gonna come on strong, the Fagola Army, and try and make you a jailhouse punk.at fagola (n.) under fag, n.4
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 246: That’s all it ever is, boy. Geetus, bread, the green. Money!at geetus, n.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 89: ‘I missed you,’ she says. ‘I missed hell out of you.’.at hell, the, phr.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 107: I made you an offer and you took a hike. Now take another hike.at take a hike (v.) under hike, n.1
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 28: Wuddya gettin’ excited for, pretty boy? You gonna piss your pants, you get any more excited.at piss (in) one’s pants, v.
1977 P. Hamill Flesh and Blood (1978) 26: Bobby, don’t pull any wise-ass jitterbug bullshit on him. He is bad.at jitterbug, n.