1905 E. O’Neill in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 16: We had a fine ‘rough house’ here [...] It consisted of wet towels and [...] pails and waste-baskets, thrown with intent to injure the visages of Herr professor.at roughhouse, n.
1927 E. O’Neill letter 2 Dec. in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 267: Harry jewed Crane down to that.at jew, v.
1928 E. O’Neill in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 302: I am sure [the scandal] will be cold turkey for the news boys from now on.at cold turkey, n.
1928 E. O’Neill letter 15 Sept. in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 317: I’ll bet you’ll have a large section of infuriated fairies crawling your frame for that one.at crawl someone’s frame (v.) under crawl, v.2
1928 E. O’Neill in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1994) 312: I always found that men and women knew they could trust me so they never gypped my trust in them.at gyp, v.
1928 E. O’Neill letter 22 Apr. in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 293: But to get back to our onions [...] I’m not subsidizing husbands for her.at onion, n.1
1928 E. O’Neill in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 317: Nobody ever ‘took me for a ride’ before in anything but trifling matters.at take for a ride (v.) under ride, n.
1928 E. O’Neill letter 22 Apr. in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 292: I have thirty-five dollars sewn up in it.at sew up, v.
1928 E. O’Neill letter 15 Sept. in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 317: Your article on the sissification of the stage handed me a large and satisfactory chuckle.at sissy, adj.
1933 E. O’Neill letter in Bogard & Bryer Sel. Letters (1988) 413: Beer muscles? Well, look out and be sure it’s muscles!at beer muscle (n.) under beer, n.