1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Dey wants ter go on de stage an’ look pritty, an’ be among de actorines all de time.at actorine, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Between you an’ me dere's strong arm guys in odder places dan de Bowery, only dey work diffrunt.at strong-arm man (n.) under strong-arm, adj.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] De most uv 'em wuz too busy puttin’ away de dried hay an’ mattress stuffin’ ter pay much attention ter yours truly.at put away, v.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Ev'ry bloke dat wuz hungry would have a feed bag an w'enever he wanted it.at feed bag, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] I sees wun uv dese joints an’ I t'inks dat de next time I feel like puttin’ er feed bag on dat I'll give it er try out.at put on the feed bag (v.) under feed bag, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] De bloke we wuz wid handed me er segar dat wuz er beaut.at beaut, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] A guy wot's hungry can't eat de cover off a book, kin he, an’ if he's out uv work how is a brown-stone front goin’ ter put him next?at brownstone front, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ’Well, come here. Let me smell your breath.’ He’d take a smell and say: ’Go and sit down, you bung-hole.’.at bunghole, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] [I] ’ got t’rowin’ booze inter me sistem an’ smokin’ dem Hennery Clay butts.at butt, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Say, don’t you know what a chaw is? He’s a mug wid a sponge in his mout’ you know; a flannel-mout’ bloke.at chaw, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Dey would be all polished up like a door knob, waitin’ fer yours truly in his autermobile wid de Chinky chaffer.at Chinky, adj.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Poor Kitty Mock Shue is layed flat on her back, an’ down an’ out wid de gallopin’ con, an’ de doctor sez she ain’t got much time.at con, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Well, wot d'yer t'ink uv dat. A feedin’ crib widout no spuds.at crib, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ‘Extract of what?’ asked de wise guy, showing his crockery wid a gas laugh.at crockery, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Between you an’ me dere's strong arm guys in odder places dan de Bowery, only dey work diffrunt. Stow dis in yer nut, cull, an’ t'ink it over.at cull, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] [of eating] I tipped her er wink, grabbed er spoon, an’ cut loose.at cut loose, v.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Let’s do de Dan O’Leary—walk, yer know—an’ blow in de car far fer er cupple uv mugs uv ale.at do the Dan O’Leary (act/stunt) (v.) under Dan O’Leary, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ere's sum t'ings er bloke can't git out uv his nut fer er long time. Wun uv dem, is w'ere a bundle he is stuck on gives him de merry laugh—yer know, de t'row down, de dinky-dink.at throw-down, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] [He] tips me off dat he wants ter take me an’ me gal up to er swell dump w’ere dere’s er racket.at dump, n.3
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] . De mug behind de fence. Aw, say, you give a pain in de neck. De mug behind de fence, dat’s de barkeep, he twists out four scuttles an’ a torch.at fence, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] Say, don’t you know what a chaw is? He’s a mug wid a sponge in his mout’ you know; a flannel-mout’ bloke.at flannel mouth, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] He's [...] been gittin’ all kinds uv cush out uv de fisical culture graft, an’ it cum in so fast dat his flippers got sore countin’ de coin.at flipper, n.1
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] If a bundle got freckles in her t'roat—you know, got dry, see—I'd hev coon waiters ter bring her a couple uv tubs uv milk so she could drown de freckles out.at get freckles on one’s throat (v.) under freckle, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] An’ dis gag erbout art galleries. W'y, dat gives me stagnation uv me liver an’ I'll pass it up.at gag, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ‘Extract of what?’ asked de wise guy, showing his crockery wid a gas laugh.at gas, adj.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ’Say, w’ere’s de bloke’s cigaret’s?’ ’Wot bloke’s cigaret’s?’ she sez. [...] Den she gives me de old gaserline smile and sez: ’Ah, fergit it.’.at gasoline smile (n.) under gasoline, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] If yer want ter git to der gang, give 'em sumthin’ ter eat an’ not sumthin’ ter look at—not on yer tin-type.at get to, v.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] De old bloke pulled out er pair uv gig-lamps an’ put ’em on, an’ den he give me er grate sizin’ up.at gig-lamps, n.
1904 C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] De old t'rush got w'ite around de gills. I t'ought he wuz goin’ ter drop dead w'ere he sat.at white about/around/in/round the gills (adj.) under gills, n.1