2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 20: His face showed no fear or care, and it amped Chris further.at amp, v.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 204: Dumbass had his share of the money in the trunk of the car.at dumb-ass, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 93: The boys from Calvin’s unit would have been out for revenge [...] There would have been eye-mugging, shoulders brushes, talk of get-back.at get-back, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 14: He had gotten massively baked the night before the exams.at baked, adj.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 176: Time was, in his youth, him and his boys at Parkchester would have been beefing with those at the Farms.at beef, v.1
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 195: ‘That coon’s really got some size on him’ [...] ‘You know what they say: Cut a tall boofer, he falls like a big tree.’.at boofer, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 270: ‘You gonna need some bullets, right?’ ‘Not a whole box.’ ‘I only sell bricks’.at brick, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 173: Christ stayed on court [...] telling him to watch the extra step on his drive to the bucket.at bucket, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 56: Chris had bought some marijuana [...] and had passed a couple of buds on to Ben.at bud, n.2
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 51: Lawrence Newhouse, who some called Bughouse [...] not considered dangerous unless he was off his meds.at bughouse, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 281: Lawremce threw a right. It caught Chris square on the jaw [...] ‘I’m about to clean you proper now’.at clean, v.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 53: He was the crazy white boy who had cold-cocked a kid for no reason.at cold-cock, v.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 87: His crackhead mother died young and he got moved to foster homes.at crack head (n.) under crack, n.7
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 52: As for his color [...] it didn’t bother him to be described as a cracker.at cracker, n.3
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 63: Did he just phone you to crap on my wife.at crap on (v.) under crap, v.2
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 257: Lawrence [...] held out his fist [...] ‘You too good to dap me up?’.at dap, n.1
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 222: A car, three deep, rolled up on him in while he was walking to his aunt’s house.at deep, adv.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 270: What about a shoulder rig for this one? I can’t be putting this monster down in my dip.at dip, n.1
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 21: ‘You dusted ’em’ [...] ‘They don’t live here, man. they don’t know these streets’.at dust, v.2
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 257: You know what you’re fixin to do? [...] are you up for it?at fix, v.1
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 272: It was not a plastic sheet flophouse, but it was close.at flophouse, n.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 145: A joint of weed he had freaked in a Black and Mild wrapper.at freak, v.2
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 201: The trunk opened, and Ben could hear Wayne ratfucking through it.at rat fuck, v.
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 193: I know we’ve had a little downturn in business [...] Hell, everybody’s taking gas in this economy.at take gas (v.) under gas, n.1
2008 G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 145: Ben loved to get after it, but he only smoked occasionally.at go after it (v.) under go, v.