2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 94: The alta kockers at my local Y, the old lions whose ear hair could scrape the rust off pieplates.at alter kacker, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 261: The giant crazy-ass German shepherd puppy and snotty senior basenji have been walked.at crazy-ass, adj.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 15: Forgive me, I’m not going to say Baby Mama; it reminds me of pinstriped, barely post-pube Hollyqwood agents who greet each other with ‘Whassup, dawg?’.at baby-mother (n.) under baby, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 101: Your bundle of joy. (Or bundle of goy in this case, since I’m purebred East Coast bagel and mom’s the Southern blonde).at bagel, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 21: An attractive [...] woman facing us flashes a semi-beaver. Pencil skirt crawling up her parted thighs to reveal Hot Mama panties.at beaver, n.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 25: The old beefcake got [...] a dreamy smile on his face.at beefcake (n.) under beef, n.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 193: My daughter got her first bill today. Twenty-five dollars, a cancellation fee for blowing off an appointment with a Dr Papoolian.at blow off, v.3
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 176: Jessica Chastain moved relentlessly towards that [...] boffo ending.at boffo, adj.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 167: If I’d made my bones as a devil-may-care female impersonator in Taliban-held Marja [etc.].at make one’s bones (v.) under bone, n.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 237: I have seen Baby N take some bonks on the melon that would dent a Hummer.at bonk, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 88: I actually heard my pride ’n’ joy fart for the first time [...] I’m bustin’ my buttons!at bust one’s buttons (v.) under bust, v.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 60: In my case, insteasd of heading off to Quentin, I am catching the chain to Old Dad Supermax.at catch the chain (v.) under catch, v.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 196: The tot N loves right now is a year-and-changer with a biblical name and Evel Knievel tendencies.at change, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad xiv: Here’s a chestnut: if you’re tired of thinking about yourself, have a child.at chestnut, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 166: I saw [...] that Phnom Penh was a prime chickenhawk destination.at chicken-hawk, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 22: The doctor whisks in, chipper as Ruth Gordon in Rosemary’s Baby.at chipper, adj.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 70: Complete strangers [...] address you as ‘Daddy’. But not in a nasty Ride me, Daddy, right [sic] me right out of town! way.at daddy, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 53: Texas high school quarterbacks. The kind of dils who would have grabbed me in the gym locker, hung me upside down [...] when I was young and Jewy.at dill, n.1
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 95: A guy who would, in his former life, have tried to steal the [Cannes red] carpet and trade it for a dime bag.at dime bag (n.) under dime, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 203: She’s eyeballing me, giving me the pre-crawler mad-dog treatment.at mad-dog, adj.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 89: Hobnobbing with Pepe and red at the corner of Balloon and Eightball.at eightball, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 74: I don’t go near any of it [i.e. a store of narcotics] (Well, that’s not true, I kind of eyeball the stuff).at eyeball, v.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 145: Raising her eyes to mom and dad like we’re a couple of feebs for not being able to undertand her inchoate gurps and burbles.at feeb, n.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 22: It’s like I know when I walk in that examining room I’m going to be fisted. But not in a good way.at fist-fuck, v.
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 25: E was addicted to speed, but not the narcotic kind. Her fix was the kind that puts you in danger [...] of brutal violent death on a daily basis.at fix, n.3
2015 J. Stahl OG Dad 21: An attractive [...] woman facing us flashes a semi-beaver. Pencil skirt crawling up her parted thighs to reveal Hot Mama panties.at flash, v.1