at churchyard cough (n.) under churchyard, n.
at tom tell-troth (n.) under tom, n.1
at bag of bones, n.1
at caxon, n.
at whistle, n.
at Jack Ketch, n.
at pay (too much) for one’s whistle (v.) under pay, v.
at lumping pennyworth, n.
at fuddled, adj.
at spouter, n.1
at leather-headed (adj.) under leatherhead, n.
at dirty dog (n.) under dirty, adj.
at Joe Miller, n.
at brass farthing (n.) under brass, adj.1
at ...the shears under knight of the..., n.
at snaggle-tooth, n.
at moon-raker, n.
at juniper (juice), n.
at baker-kneed, adj.
at caxon, n.
at heel-and-toe, v.
at ring faller, n.
at hop the twig, v.
at kid lay (n.) under kid, n.1
at smasher, n.1
at timber-toe, n.
at trapper, n.1
at battle-royal (n.) under battle, n.
at bold as brass (adj.) under bold as..., adj.
at blackguard, v.
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