1898 Coconino Sun (FLagstaff, AZ) 23 Apr. 6/1: All three [...] have finally been recaptured and returned to the penitentiary where they will [...] repent the bad break they made.at break, n.2
1898 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 19 Nov. 3/2: My friend, from the deadalive town of Nogood / If you would keep far away.at dead alive (adj.) under dead, adj.
1898 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 3 Dec. 5/1: [The building] was constructed as a reform school. It might just as well have been built as a refuge for sporting men who are on the hog train, as there are more of them.at on the hog (train) under hog, n.
1898 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 20 Aug. 5/2: The notorious train robbers (...] were accused of the Grants holdup on the Santa Fe Pacific and the Santa Fe holdup at Belen.at hold-up, n.
1899 Coconino Sun (AZ) 4 Nov. 3/2: We had better take ’em right into town and put ’em into the bastile there.at bastille, n.
1899 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 29 Apr. 11/1: It is a mistake to say that the calalmity howlers have nothing to howl about.at calamity howler (n.) under calamity, n.
1899 Coconino Sun (AZ) 14 Jan. 3/2: But the most dodgasted one of all [...] Is that of waitin’ to kiss a girl ‘under the mistletoe’.at dod-gasted (adj.) under dod, n.1
1899 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 2 Sept. 9/1: Down with the ‘Elbow’ Man [...] The ‘elbow’ workers in Flagstaff are [...] so numerous that it is hardly possible to walk along the street without being importuned by the measly bums.at elbow man (n.) under elbow, n.1
1899 Coconino Sun (AZ) 4 Nov. 3/1: They also took with them unrecipted bills from [...] the jugged juice joint.at juice joint (n.) under juice, n.1
1899 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 15 July 15/1: In 1857 I wrote a letter home [...] and several years ago my people returned me my letter.at people, n.
1903 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 21 Mar. 3/3: Let us see to it that the [...] government tries not to give us any razzle-dazzle racket; if they do we will drop the whole business like a hot potato.at razzle-dazzle, n.
1903 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 21 Mar. 3/3: Let us see to it that the [...] government tries not to give us any razzle-dazzle racket; if they do we will drop the whole business like a hot potato.at hot potato, n.1
1903 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 6 June 1/1: Some of the Sun’s employees really do enough to pound sand in a rathole (when the directions are on the handle).at pound sand in a rathole (v.) under pound, v.2
1908 Coconino Sun (Flagtaff, AZ) 11 Dec. 3/1: We don’t say bughouse in Boston; it isn’t elegant. We say beetle-garage.at bughouse, n.
1908 Cocorino Sun (AZ) 17 Apr. 6/3: We’ve got a new line of granite ware that’s a Hum-dinger for price and quality.at humdinger, n.
1908 Coconino Sun (AZ) 10 Apr. 6/2: ‘They call me a jackleg carpenter, sah.’ ‘What is a jackleg carpenter?’ ‘He is a carpenter who is not first class, sah’.at jackleg, adj.
1908 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 10 Apr. 6/3: They got us ribbed up for the council. And we never done nothin’ to nobody.at rib, v.
1910 Coconino Sun (AZ) 25 Nov. 1/1: Then the side-winding Norsky proceeded to play tenpins .at Norski, n.
1911 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 24 Nov. 4/3: The mud-slinger has to muss himself all up in order to cast his dirt at other fellows.at mudslinger, n.
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] Give me a coupla battleships, a pan of Murphies on the main line, and a string of flats on the siding.at battleship, n.
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] The customer said, ‘Beg your pardon, sir, but I would like to have the eggs turned over.’ ‘Blanket the headlights!’ yelled the waiter.at blanket the headlights, v.
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] ‘A steak well done,’ said the last arrival. ‘A hotbox and have it smoking,’ was the information given to the cook.at hot box, n.2
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] ‘Cut the cowcar off the java train,’ continued the boomer, [...] ‘and switch me a couple of life preservers’.at cow-car (n.) under cow, n.1
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] ‘Cut the cowcar off the java train,’ continued the boomer, [...] ‘and switch me a couple of life preservers’.at life preserver (n.) under life, n.
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] A timid little man sat at a railroad counter and ordered ham and eggs [...] the waiter turned his face to the kitchen and called casually, ‘A Mogul with two headlights’.at mogul, n.
1913 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 26 Dec. 2/3: Railroad Eating House Lingo [...] An engineer took a seat at the counter and called for, ‘Wheatcakes and coffee.’ ‘Running orders,’ shouted the waiter.at running orders, n.
1915 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 9 July 4/2: It is claimed that the ‘wets’ put one over on the ‘drys’ at the christening of the battleship Arizona.at dry, n.1
1915 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 9 July 4/2: It is claimed that the ‘wets’ put one over on the ‘drys’ at the christening of the battleship Arizona.at wet, n.
1918 Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 8 Nov. 1/5: Oh boy, if it isn’t 110 in the shade I’ll eat my little white bonnet.at eat one’s hat, v.