1837 Court Reports in Boston Morn. Post 152: Ducks! why, neither the fowls of the air, nor the fish of the sea, are to be found in the dingy cook's bill of fare—nay, never a Cape Cod ‘turkey’finds its way into his huge caldron.at Cape Cod turkey, n.
1837 Court Reports in Boston Morn. Post 31: Touching the court—the law, or what is worse, the judge, is dead set against the ‘nuisance’.at dead set against (adj.) under dead set, adj.
1841 Boston Post (MA) 21 June 2/4: A rum crazy subject [...] She let into the watch pell-mell and had to be carried in a hand-cart. Still she screamed out blue murder as she was jaunted through the streets.at scream blue murder (v.) under blue murder, n.
1841 Boston Post (MA) 16 Aug. 1/6: On shaking hands, the son of Shamrockshire grasped Maley with his right hand, and [...] hit him with a tremendous blow with the left.at Shamrockshire, n.
1881 Boston Post (MA) 9 Nov. 3/6: That most remarkable instiution tacked on to the rear of almost every family grovcery store — the ‘five cent beer joint’.at beer joint (n.) under beer, n.
1901 Boston Post (MA) 15 Dec. 24/4: There is a certain chicken-heartedness in Capricorn people that they lught to work out of themselves.at chicken-heartedness (n.) under chicken-hearted, adj.
1917 Boston Post (MA) 15 Apr. 18/1: ‘That fellow Dundee is going to get caught with a sucker punch by some strong kid coming off the ropes’.at sucker-punch, n.
1921 Boston Post (MA) 20 June 16/1: A young girl who works for me would be really pretty if she did not [...] wear those hideous wads of hair over her ears. ‘Why do you do it?’ I asked her. ‘Clepoatra never fascinated Marc Antony with [...] cootie coops’.at cootie-coops (n.) under cootie, n.