1877 Dodge City Times 11 Aug. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild (1963) 293: ‘Again,’ said the Judge [...] ‘do you appear within this sacred realm, of which I, and only I, am high muck-i-muck.’.at muck-a-muck, n.
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 1 Dec. 8/2: ‘Go bag your head,’ the fair one said.at bag your head! (excl.) under bag, v.
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 2 June 5/3: Suppose Hayes and Morton should get on a bender and put their jewelry in soak for boose, then it would be appropriate to say they ‘got to the boose joint’ by this means.at bender, n.2
1877 Dodge City Times 11 Aug. 8/1: The pan-handle strikers, alias biscuit-tossers alias kitchen mechanics [...] have as yet not succeeded in getting up successful strikes.at biscuit shooter (n.) under biscuit, n.1
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 2 June 5/3: Suppose Hayes and Morton should get on a bender and put their jewelry in soak for boose, then it would be appropriate to say they ‘got to the boose joint’ by this means.at booze crib (n.) under booze, n.
1877 Dodge City Times 15 Sept. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 278: They did not jump over the broomstick.at jump (over) the broomstick, v.
1877 Dodge City Times 16 June in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 21: The only injuries sustained by the loser [...] were two ears chewed off, one eye bursted.at busted, adj.1
1877 Dodge City Times 13 Oct. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 327: Pledges are usually considered before election to be mere clap-trap.at clap-trap, n.1
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 16 June 5/3: he ordered the prisoner sent back to the doghouse.at doghouse, n.
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 15 Sept. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 278: She [...] was finally landed in the dog house by the self same Joe [...] When Mat found herself in this unhallowed place, she ‘At once set up so wild a yell, Within that dark and narrow cell’.at doghouse, n.
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 17 Nov. 8/2: I fell in with a detective employed upon one of the western railroads.at fall in (v.) under fall, v.3
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 1 Sept. 8/2: A social game of ball [...] which resulted in a scientific horn-swaggle of the Vances, or in other words the Vance’s scored 4 to the Blue Stockings’ 19.at hornswoggle, n.
1877 Dodge City Times 8 Aug. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 14: James entered (three-sheets-in-the-wind drunk).at three sheets in the wind, phr.
1877 Dodge City Times 12 May in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 276: Joe is a quiet young man [...] but will not fail to ‘go to the joint’ in case of a row. He will make a good officer.at go to the joint (v.) under joint, n.
1877 Dodge City Times 11 Aug. 8/1: The pan-handle strikers, alias biscuit-tossers alias kitchen mechanics [...] have as yet not succeeded in getting up successful strikes.at kitchen mechanic (n.) under kitchen, n.1
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 2 June 8/2: Anna Smith, a nymph du pave, was sent up for thirty days.at nymph of the pavé, n.
1877 Dodge City Times 11 Aug. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 293: The fact still remained that defendant had ‘pasted’ her one on the nose.at paste, v.
1877 Dodge City Times 29 Sept. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 326: I am going to skip out for camp.at skip out (v.) under skip, v.
1877 Dodge City Times (KS) 2 June 5/3: Suppose Hayes and Morton should get on a bender and put their jewelry in soak for boose, then it would be appropriate to say they ‘got to the boose joint’ by this means.at in soak under soak, v.1
1877 Dodge City Times 22 Sept. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 325: Being convinced that they had not done exactly the square thing, Mr. Wright sent Under-Sheriff Masterson to overhaul them.at square, adj.
1877 Dodge City Times 15 Sept. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 278: They took unto themselves seven straights and a gin sling.at straight, n.1
1878 Dodge City Times 30 Mar. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 299: The one-armed slugger received a slight scratch under his left blinker.at blinkers, n.
1878 Dodge City Times (KS) 12 Jan. 3/3: The chivalrous knight of the road had no stain of blood upon his hands.at knight of the road, n.
1878 Dodge City Times 30 Mar. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 299: The one-armed slugger received a slight scratch under his left blinker.at slugger, n.
1879 Dodge City Times (KS) 16 Aug. 2/2: The original backbiter was no doubt the flea.at backbiter (n.) under back, n.1
1879 Dodge City (KS) Times 2 Dec. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 403: Imprison him for life in the bastile on a bread and water diet.at bastille, n.
1879 Dodge City Times (KS) 29 Nov. 1/4: There is too much [...] pistol shooting and general blood-tub devilry in Kansas City, [...] the rowdies must be cleared out.at blood tub (n.) under blood, n.1
1879 Dodge City Times 27 Dec. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 405: Means was pretty well ‘boozed,’ as the saying is.at boozed, adj.