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The new brawle, or, Turnmill-street against Rosemary Lane choose

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[UK] New Brawle 12: You can remember [...] that the Cobler’s Boy thrust his Aule in your Buttocks.
at awl, n.
[UK] New Brawle 9: A worshipfull occupation indeed, to keep a Bawdy-House, and be as common as a Barber’s Chaire.
at barber’s chair (n.) under barber, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 1: Jack being jealous of Doll his bozzy Wife, / Like Dogge and Catt, they always live at strife.
at bossy, adj.
[UK] New Brawle 4: [O]r else [she] comes home as Bubby as a Tub-woman.
at bubby (adj.) under bub, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 11: Go, go ye Bulking Roague you, go to your fellow Pick-pockets sirrah, go Pinch the Rum Culle again of the Coale.
at bulk, v.
[UK] New Brawle 11: [Y]ou have the buz in your own hands, I mean the Law.
at buzz, n.
[UK] New Brawle 12: I was never flogg’d yet [...] for keeping a Case.
at case, n.3
[UK] New Brawle 1: Jack being jealous of Doll his bozzy Wife, / Like Dogge and Catt, they always live at strife.
at cat and dog life (n.) under cat, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 10: The best woman living, and the carefullest, may now and then get a clap, or a Disease from an unwholsom Knave.
at clap, n.
[UK] New Brawle 11: Go, go ye Bulking Roague you, go to your fellow Pick-pockets sirrah, go Pinch the Rum Culle again of the Coale.
at cole, n.
[UK] New Brawle 14: I have a Coltes-tooth in my head still.
at have a colt’s tooth (v.) under colt, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 6: [D]oth not the courtesy of the Wife many times utterher Husbands ill Commoditie, or unsaleable Ware.
at commodity, n.
[UK] New Brawle 9: No, no, no money, no Coney; if they would not be packing, I had a Chamber-pot to wash them out, or a Winchester goose for them to pull.
at cony, n.
[UK] New Brawle 10: That Disease made you to be roasted alive in Old Cornelious his Tub.
at Mother Cornelius’ tub, n.
[UK] New Brawle 13: Thy Nose is consum’d by the Crinkums.
at crinkum, n.
[UK] New Brawle 12: [of a pickpocket] Out thosed base Pad, thou Prigger of Cullies, thou Shop-lift.
at cully, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 4: [O]ut thou unnaturall Knave [...] a feeble dick thou.
at dick, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 15: You’ll be in your Dissembling Fitts again anon, and none but Ned the Butcher must come and cure thee again with his lusty [...] Diddle.
at diddle, n.2
[UK] New Brawle 5: [A] suck-egg, a askall [...] one who would rob a Hen-roost, rather than pleasure a Wife. Such feeble do-littles makes so many honest Women goe astray.
at domine do-little, n.
[UK] New Brawle 5: [A] suck-egg, a askall [...] one who would rob a Hen-roost, rather than pleasure a Wife.
at suck-egg, n.
[UK] New Brawle 6: What gentlerman would not [...] rather be dealing with her than with her Husband [...] or [a] smock-fac’d Prentice.
at smock-faced, adj.
[UK] New Brawle 9: No, no, no money, no Coney; if they would not be packing, I had a Chamber-pot to wash them out, or a Winchester goose for them to pull.
at Winchester goose, n.
[UK] New Brawle 9: [They] found such sweet entertainment, that as long as one penny was left, they’d be hang’d ere go to sea again.
at I’ll be hanged! (excl.) under hang, v.1
[UK] New Brawle 9: Not a Lansprisado nor a Tarpawling that furrowed over the rugged botom [sic] of Neptune, but paid Custome to my House.
at house, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 13: Prether tell me Jack Hold-my Staffe, did cripple-breech’d Bess wash it, or Bobbing Kate.
at jack-hold-my-staff (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] New Brawle 8: [Y]e had been at Mount-Mill a knocking with the Tinker.
at knock, v.
[UK] New Brawle 9: Not a Lansprisado nor a Tarpawling that furrowed over the rugged botom [sic] of Neptune, but paid Custome to my House.
at lancepresado, n.
[UK] New Brawle 5: [H]is wenches are mad for him [...] There you are lusty Laurence, ready to run over them all .
at lusty lawrence, n.
[UK] New Brawle 7: Out thou white-liver’d Roague [...] thou whore-master.
at white-livered, adj.
[UK] New Brawle 11: Knave thou art, Sirrah, I shall have you in Lob Ward again shortly.
at lob’s pound, n.
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