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Kendal Mercury choose

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[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Nov. 1: It does more than trimmin’ and groomin’ a horse by a long chalk.
at by a long chalk under chalk, n.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Nov. 1: How the deuce am I get to get inexpressibles out of pop if I pay you half a couter?
at half-couter (n.) under couter, n.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Nov. 1: How the deuce am I get to get inexpressibles out of pop if I pay you half a couter?
at pop, n.2
[UK] Kendal Mercury 13 July 1/7: So wedded as they to old customs, even to John Bullism [etc.].
at John Bullism (n.) under John Bull, n.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury (Cumbria) 14 Dec. n.p.: He ‘broke down,’ and resigned the contest, evidently ‘dead beat’.
at deadbeat, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 2 Oct. 4/5: She Kaffirs, who unblushingly expose to the sun and moon almost all [etc.].
at kaffir, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 23 July 1/2: Cadgers screeving [...] There are many cadgers who write short sentences with chalk on the flags .
at screeve, v.
[UK] Kendal Mercury (Cumbria) 18 Feb. 3/3: He subsequently appeared to be very ill [...] The surgeon, however, declared him to be an imposter, though his sham-abram had been of the the first order.
at sham-abram, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 16 Dec. 8/3: Small game is not only the most difficult to bring down, but the most useless when one has bagged it.
at bag, v.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 1 Apr. 2/3: Paddy Ryan had evidently been ‘dipped in the Shannon, and kissed the Blarney stone’.
at dipped in the Shannon, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 23 Dec. 1/7: He was under trial for some three or four libels — with the simple addition of a ‘hempen cravat’.
at hempen cravat (n.) under hempen, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 11 Nov. 3/1: Rev. J. Benson [...] has been erecting a neat little cottage [...] and, at the completion which, a sort house-warming or tory-rory was held.
at tory rory, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 21 Sept. 1/2: ‘Bunting Sall’ proposes [...] ‘goo an’ fetch a drain o’ gin’.
at bunter, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 19 Sept. 4/1: ‘Letters from the Lakes’ by Dusty Bob — to Sally Black, Sinder Halley, Kings X, Lundun.
at dusty bob (n.) under dusty, adj.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 27 Oct. 2/5: Husbands and wives, and sweethearts [...] dressed up to the nines for a dance.
at dressed (up) to the nines, phr.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 9 Mar. 1/2: Chimney-Sweeper and Thieves [...] Turning round suddenly, they beheld the knight of the brush.
at ...the brush (and shovel) under knight of the..., n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: A cove has to do many things for his scran [...] and the Abraham Soot’s (begging letter imposture) no go.
at abram suit (n.) under abram, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 24 Jan. 6/1: A very graphic account of his feelings on listening to the preaching of the Rev. So-and-so.
at so-and-so, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: The coves next jigger (door) are hangers on (dependents) of the Autembawlers (ministers) and turn up their snuff-traps whenever there’s a shindy.
at autem-bawler (n.) under autem, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 14 Feb. 3/3: The skipper and other members of the vagabond fraternity are ‘palavering the flats for balsam’ (humbugging the people for the coppers).
at balsam, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 3 Apr. 6/2: Vy, he’s second to no tyke on the pad for progging (stealing meat); ye should see him with a dollop of bee’s-wax (cheese) from a grubbing crib (provision store).
at beeswax, n.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: There was [...] a black boy (sweep) dosing with my nibs (myself) in that there ken von darkey.
at black boy (n.) under black, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: The chats was clinching it into us [...] specially the black cove (sweep) cause they tickled his ribs with scraping the soot of [sic] before they shot their ivories into his carcass.
at black cove (n.) under black, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: Ven a cove vould drop you a meg, he would tell you to lay it out to the best hadvantage, like as if the blueing it would take an afternoon.
at blew, v.2
[UK] Kendal Mercury 3 Apr. 6/2: Vy, blow me, if he dident turn up his blinkers (eyes) like a croaking quacker (dying duck), and said, ‘if you doesn’t give hover, I’ll get my mother to mill your napper (punch your head).
at blinker, n.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 17 Apr. 6/1: Ven a cove vould drop you a meg, he vould tell you to lay it out to the best advantage, like as if the blueing of it would take an halfternoon.
at blow, v.2
[UK] Kendal Mercury 3 Apr. 6/2: Vy, blow me, if he dident turn up his blinkers (eyes) like a croaking quacker (dying duck), and said, ‘if you doesn’t give hover, I’ll get my mother to mill your napper (punch your head).
at blow me!, excl.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 24 Jan. 6/2: He hurries to the ‘boozing ken’ to regale himself with two-penceworth of ‘blue ruin’.
at blue ruin (n.) under blue, adj.1
[UK] Kendal Mercury 3 Apr. 6/2: Mind ye, it must be bona prog vitch this hanimal vil polish his ivories hon.
at bona, adj.
[UK] Kendal Mercury 24 Jan. 6/2: He hurries to the ‘boozing ken’ to regale himself with two-penceworth of ‘blue ruin’.
at bousing-ken, n.
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