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Gone Girl choose

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[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 140: Nick is always looking for angles.
at angle, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 130: She had her hair pulled up in a high bubblegum-girl ponytail.
at bubblegum-girl (n.) under bubblegum, adj.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 179: [I]t feels so good to tell your story to a stranger, someone who won’t call bullshit, someone forced to listen to your side.
at bullshit, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 196: I knew what I was doing, I was punching every button on him. [...] I wanted him to finally say something, do something.
at press someone’s button(s) (v.) under button, n.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 146: I’d been faithful to Amy always. [...] I was not a cheater.
at cheater, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 385: [T]he woman knew me cold. Better than anyone in the world, she knew me.
at cold, adv.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 17: She was one of the original dot-com phenoms—made crazy money for two years, then took the Internet bubble bath in 2000.
at crazy, adj.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 122: ‘Mr. Binks was a cheating dickweasel, but, you know, marriage is compromise’.
at dickweasel (n.) under dick, n.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 334: ‘You seem totally different than before. In charge but not cocky. Even your jaw is less . . . dickish’ .
at dickish (adj.) under dick, n.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 253: I’m not moving forward with my dick in one hand and a wild story about a frame-up in the other. Unless you convince me.
at have one’s dick in one’s hand (v.) under dick, n.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 175: [of an incipient emotional clash] We both smiled at each other: I know and you know. Game on. I actually thought those idiotic words: Game on.
at game on, phr.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 163: These were the kinds of guys who always got to me.
at get to, v.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 266: She got all googly around Nick, she absolutely adored him.
at googly, adj.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 314: [T]he evidence is leading her in your direction, but I think her gut is telling her something’s off.
at gut, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 293: Truth or lie? If it was a lie, it was designed to gut me.
at gut, v.2
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 266: ‘Oh, shit, here it goes,’ Greta says. ‘People are hatin’ on this guy’.
at hate on (v.) under hate, v.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 93: ‘Trust us, Nick, we got this. We want to find Amy as much as you do’.
at have, v.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 27: Greedy journalists with knowing smirks and hollow legs.
at hollow leg, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 327: The lookiloo appears again in my peripheral. ‘Is that guy, that guy with the mustache [...] is he staring at me?
at lookie-lou, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 338: She could have slipped me a mickey for all I knew.
at mickey, n.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 271: I really did marry a genuine, bona fide psycho bitch. Nick, meet your wife: the world’s foremost mindfucker.
at mindfucker, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 396: You murdering, mind-fucking, evil, crazy bitch.
at mindfucking, adj.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 122: I’m just being a silly old divorced lady. Oh, mother of pearl, I think I had too much wine’.
at mother of pearl!, excl.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 247: I spent about $500 on items to nice-up my cabin—good sheets, a decent lamp, towels.
at nice up (v.) under nice, adj.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 340: He gives me the nickel tour, laughing at the idea of a nickel.
at nickel tour under nickel, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 127: ‘It was such a nothing argument [...] Just both of us scrapping at each other, the way couples do’.
at nothing, adj.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 403: [T]he more she snapped and snarled, and the more unsympathetic she became. She got written off quickly.
at write off, v.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 296: I peered out my window, saw that the news trucks had packed it in.
at pack in (v.) under pack, v.1
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 189: The media (my former clan, my people!) was shaping its story.
at people, n.
[US] G. Flynn Gone Girl 292: ‘Have you heard from Andie?’ I hadn’t. ‘I have one of my people waiting for her at her apartment building’.
at people, n.
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