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Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 11: This [i.e. a young prostitute] is a fresh bit of goods, excessively genteel.
at bit of goods, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 12: A good-natured, crummy wench, capable of going through all kinds of business.
at business, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 3: A fine crummy plump-made dame.
at crummy, adj.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 18: [She is] very mettlesome and spirited after the second bottle; though we would not [...] mean that she is ever disguised with liquor.
at disguised, adj.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 110: [S]he is a fine piece of goods and will fetch a high price in the Flesh-market.
at flesh market (n.) under flesh, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 7: [A] five and three-pence (which she terms a whore’s curse) will satisfy her for a Flyer.
at flyer, n.3
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 54: [A]n old battered frow.
at froe, n.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 85: Miss Pl-wd-n [and] Miss Nancy Pl-wd-n, Red-Lion-Street [...] They are both excellent goods.
at goods, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 79: [T]he pleasure-gulph of natured beautifully shaded with a downy brown-coloured moss.
at gulf, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 24: She is of a very amorous disposition, has not been much hackneyed [etc] [ibid.] 118: [N]o woman was ever more hackneyed, having been in constant use ever since her thirteenth year.
at hackneyed, adj.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 132: [She] does not dance badly, as those who frequent [...] the hop near Suffolk-Street can testify.
at hop, n.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies xiii: [B]agnios encrease [sic], and [...] they, as well as tavenrns and jelly-shops, never saw such halycon days as now are.
at jelly house (n.) under jelly, n.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 70: But what most of all we prize, / Is a thing of little size--- / You know where.
at you know where, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies v: [I]t would, doubtless, be thought a paradox, if we wedre to assert that Ladies of Pleasure are public benefits.
at lady of pleasure (n.) under lady, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 72: An Irish-man six foot and a half high, who has most extraordinary abilities of one sort, has been often to say that she [i.e. a prostitute] was too many for him.
at too many, adj.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 45: [H]e slily conveyed into her virgin hand the stately masterpiece of nature.
at masterpiece, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 11: [A]n odd passion for viewing, strokling, and even kissing the Maypole of Love when erect.
at maypole, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 79: [T]he pleasure-gulph of natured beautifully shaded with a downy brown-coloured moss.
at moss, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 133: Her upper one [i.e. mouth] considering her size, is rather small, whilst that below bears no sort of proportion.
at mouth thankless (n.) under mouth, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 107: [of a mistress] Miss Betty was lately taken into keeping by a sheriffs court officer, but turned off about nine months ago.
at turn off, v.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 8: [T]hey [i.e. a pair of prostitutes] push about the poppet with such amazing rapidity, that a bottle is emptied at two draughts.
at push about the poppet (v.) under poppet, n.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 38: Has been on the public but a few months.
at on the public (adj.) under public, adj.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 32: This is an impudent little romp, who often lures some aged dotards, by a counterfeited appearance of fondness.
at romp, v.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 10: Her virgin rose was pluck’d at the tender age of fifteen.
at rose, n.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 3: She is rated but twnety-six [...] but we are of the opinion that she has at least sunk a good ten years.
at sink, v.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 63: They both agreed to snack the cole.
at snack, v.1
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 55: Who wou’d imagine from so mean a thing, / So fair a face, so sweet a Strum cou’d spring?
at strum, n.2
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 135: [W]e have so high an opinion of Mrs. W-df-r’s abilities in forming the tender plant.
at tender plant (n.) under tender, adj.
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 2: She has not been on the Town above twelve months.
at on the town under town, n.2
[UK] Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 102: We would advise our friend Poll to lie by a little, being apprehensive she is too much worked, few women of the turf being rid so often.
at turf, n.
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