1641 Wit’s Recreations no. 74 C4: Thy stars gave thee the cuckold’s diadem: If thou wert born to be a wittoll, can Thy wife prevent thy fortune? foolish man!at wittol, n.
1645 ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ Witts Recreations Y: A poets head is made of Match [...] Well may he grind his household bread, That hath a Wind-mill in his head.at have windmills in the head (v.) under windmill, n.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 115: For any Alehouse, / We care not a Louse.at not care a louse, v.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 113: What I have said, take in good part, / If not, I doe not care a fart.at not care a fart, v.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 126: You must be Ben-bousie, / And sleepy and drowsie, / And lasie and lowsie, [...] And then you may stalk / The Gipsies walk.at ben-bowsy, adj.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 187: Children fondly blab truth, and fools their brothers.at blab, v.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 106: Yet he’l be thought or seen; / So good as George-a-Green; / And calls his Blouze his Queen.at blowse, n.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 652: Make a Tomb for me, good folks, I will be buried in a Box.at box, n.1
1654 Witts Recreations Epitaph No. 111: Here Hocas lyes with his tricks and his knocks, / Whom death hath made sure as his Juglers box.at juggler’s box, n.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 504: Who would be patient, wait he at the Pool, For Bull-heads, or for Block-heads in the School.at bull-head, n.1
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 89: On Bunce. Money thou ow’st me; prethee fix a day For payment promis’d, though thou never pay.at bunce, n.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 107: And once but tast on the Welsh Mutton; / Your Englis seeps [sic] not worth a button.at not worth a button (adj.) under button, n.1
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 124: From Canters and great eaters [...] Heaven deliver me.at canter, n.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 659: Talk till thy strong lines choak thee; if they fail, Commence at Tyburn in a cart, sweet Poet, And there a strong line will for certain do it.at cart, n.1
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 119: And let them that crack / In the praisies of Sack, / Know malt is of mickle might.at crack, v.1
1654 Witts Recreations Epitaph No. 23: A Farts Epitaph. Reader it was born, and cry’d, Crack’d so, smelt so, and so dy’d.at crack, v.1
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 687: Oh were it not that some are wean’d too young, And some do suck (likes Essex Calves) too long.at Essex calf (n.) under Essex, adj.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 112: A messe of Non-sense [...] Like a Crablouse with his bag and baggage, / Or like th’ abortive issue of a Fizle.at fizzle, n.1
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 584: Fucus was fox’d last night, but ’tis conceal’d, And would not for his Office ’twere reveal’d.at foxed, adj.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 126: There’s a Gentry Cove here, / Is the top of the shiere, / Of the Bever Ken, / A man among men.at gentry-cove (n.) under gentry, n.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 90: Her breast a place for beauties throne most fit, / Bears up two Globes, where love and pleasure sit.at globe, n.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 225: [as cit. 1611] On fine apparrell. Some that their wives may neat and cleanly go, Doe all their substance upon them bestow: But who a Gold-finch, fain would make his wife, Makes her perhaps a Wag-tail all her life .at goldfinch (n.) under gold, adj.
1654 Witts Recreations Epigram No. 409: At three go-downs Dick doffs me off a pot, The English Gutter’s Latine for this throat.at gutter-alley (n.) under gutter, n.
1654 Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 118: We abandon all Ale, and Beer that is stale, [...] and damnable hum.at hum, n.1