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[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein’ in Four Million (1915) 123: From the very first dose he was ace-high and everybody else looked like thirty cents to her.
at ace-high, adj.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘An Adjustment of Nature’ in Four Million (1915) 105: Straight to New York they hie, and lay their goods at the feet of the girl who serves them beans in a beanery.
at beanery, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Between Rounds’ Four Million (1915) 43: Me brother was worth tin dozen bog-trotting McCaskeys.
at bogtrotting (adj.) under bog, n.3
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Memoirs of a Yellow Dog’ in Four Million (1915) 111: Old Mother Hubbard was boosting me to beat the band.
at boost, v.1
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein’ Four Million (1915) 123: If it wasn’t for losin’ a boarder they’d have bounced me long ago.
at bounce, v.1
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Brief Debut of Tildy’ in Four Million (1915) 256: Sashayed up, so he did, and made a break. I turned him down, cold.
at break, n.4
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Mammon and the Archer’ in Four Million (1915) 133: Said the rules of society couldn’t be bucked for a yard by a team of ten-millionaires.
at buck, v.2
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Lost on Dress Parade’ in Four Million (1915) 222: To the society bud comes but one début; it stands alone sweet in her memory when her hair has whitened.
at bud, n.2
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Memoirs of a Yellow Dog’ in Four Million (1915) 115: I consider that I have the bulge on him as far as you could chase a rabbit.
at have the bulge on (v.) under bulge, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘By Courier’ in Four Million (1915) 237: De gent says he’s had de ski-bunk put on him widout no cause.
at ski-bunk, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein’ in Four Million (1915) 123: From the very first dose he was ace-high and everybody else looked like thirty cents to her.
at like thirty cents (adj.) under thirty cents, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Coming-Out of Maggie’ in Four Million (1915) 80: Chuck that cheese slicer out of the window.
at cheese dagger (n.) under cheese, n.1
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Tobin’s Palm’ in Four Million (1915) 4: We went into the enchanted chicken coop, which was filled with mysterious red cloths, and pictures of hands.
at chicken coop (n.) under chicken, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Brief Debut of Tildy’ in Four Million (1915) 256: I turned him down, cold.
at cold, adv.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Caliph, Cupid and the Clock’ in Four Million (1915) 193: I ought to have known at 8.31 that my goose was cooked.
at cook someone’s goose, v.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein’ Four Million (1915) 123: Tim Lacy told me he got some once from a croaker uptown.
at croaker, n.5
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Memoirs of a Yellow Dog’ Four Million (1915) 115: ‘Why, darn my eyes,’ says the old man.
at darn, v.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Lost on Dress Parade’ in Four Million (1915) 223: He was a true son of the great city of razzle-dazzle, and to him one evening in the limelight made up for many dark ones.
at razzle-dazzle, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Lost on Dress Parade’ in Four Million (1915) 229: Perhaps if I’d told her the truth instead of all that razzle-dazzle we might — but, confound it! I had to play up to my clothes.
at razzle-dazzle, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein’ in Four Million (1915) 121: I have many times told you those Dagoes would do you up.
at do up, v.1
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Memoirs of a Yellow Dog’ in Four Million (1915) 113: I began to feel sorry for Hubby, dog my cats if I didn’t.
at dog my cat(s)/doggone/hide/melts! (excl.) under dog, v.2
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Coming-Out of Maggie’ in Four Million (1915) 80: I knew there’d be nothin’ doin’ for him if he came as a Dago.
at nothing doing, phr.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Green Door’ in Four Million (1915) 163: I believe it was the hand of Fate that doped out the way for me to find her.
at dope, v.2
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock’ in Four Million (1915) 196: It’s Dopy Mike [...] He hits the pipe every night.
at dopey, adj.1
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Sisters of the Golden Circle’ in Four Million (1915) 203: ‘What’s eatin’ you?’ demanded the megaphonist.
at eat, v.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Cop and the Anthem’ in Four Million (1915) 97: ’Tis one of them Yale lads celebratin’ the goose egg they gave to Hartford College.
at goose egg, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Man About Town’ in Four Million (1915) 87: He makes his rounds every evening; while you and I see the elephant once a week.
at see the elephant (v.) under elephant, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘Man About Town’ Four Million (1915) 84: The oldest girls are eagerly perusing the financial reports, for a certain young man remarked [...] that he had taken a flyer in Q., X. & Z.
at take a flier (v.) under flyer, n.2
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Brief Debut of Tildy’ in Four Million (1915) 256: I slapped him a good one, side of the face.
at good one, n.
[US] ‘O. Henry’ ‘The Coming-Out of Maggie’ in Four Million (1915) 80: I knew he was a Guinea. His name’s Tony Spinelli.
at guinea, n.1
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