2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 92: She’s been drinkin somethin, by Christ, and if it ain’t antifreeze, I’m a monkey.at I’m a nigger, phr.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 76: ‘I’ve got a couple of AWOL choppers myself’. Beaver hooked back one corner of his mouth, baring a left gum.at A.W.O.L., adj.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 88: He spared one glance at the woman who had caused all this fuckarow.at fuck-about, n.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 68: I’ve heard some mighty belches, but that’s an all-time blue ribbon winner.at all-time, adj.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 618: Several crows – there were some almighty big ones [...] had found the bread.at almighty, adv.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 293: ‘Bite shit and die,’ Henry said [...] and picked up the package. He held it out to the armed and masked men in front of him, smiling.at eat shit (and die)!, excl.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 391: When they’re playing rummy [...] and someone makes a goof-ass discard.at -ass, sfx
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 222: You clearly don’t know your asshole from your piehole.at not know one’s asshole from one’s piehole (v.) under asshole, n.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 76: These babies [i.e. teeth] are right out in front. He didn’t know they were gone.at baby, n.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 252: You saved our bacon, boss. Thanks.at save someone’s bacon (v.) under bacon, n.1
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 98: ‘Wait,’ he said. ‘Bastardly knee’s tryin to lock up on me again.’.at bastardly, adj.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 115: Put an egg in your shoe and beat it!at put an egg in your shoe and beat it! (excl.) under beat it, v.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 365: He had no doubt that this scared the everloving bejabbers out of the other guys, but not him.at scare the bejazus out of (v.) under bejazus, n.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 77: I thought he was going to blow his cookies when he leaned forward.at blow (one’s) cookies, v.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 223: ‘How are we going to come out of this, Pearly?’ ‘Clean?’ ‘Boffo!’.at boffo!, excl.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 138: This year’s Tiger Homecoming Queen isn’t bollocky bare-ass.at bollocky naked, adj.
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 6: What about SSDD? Whose brainstorm had that been?at brainstorm (n.) under brain, n.1
2001 S. King Dreamcatcher 343: Just wondering if you got your share of that girl – you know, the one Frankie broke in. Did he give you sloppy seconds?at break (someone) in (v.) under break, v.1