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Dreamcatcher choose

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[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 8: You’re fuckin-A.
at fucking-A, adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 115: Make like an amoeba and split!
at make like (a)..., v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 92: She’s been drinkin somethin, by Christ, and if it ain’t antifreeze, I’m a monkey.
at I’m a nigger, phr.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 76: ‘I’ve got a couple of AWOL choppers myself’. Beaver hooked back one corner of his mouth, baring a left gum.
at A.W.O.L., adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 88: He spared one glance at the woman who had caused all this fuckarow.
at fuck-about, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 68: I’ve heard some mighty belches, but that’s an all-time blue ribbon winner.
at all-time, adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 618: Several crows – there were some almighty big ones [...] had found the bread.
at almighty, adv.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 293: ‘Bite shit and die,’ Henry said [...] and picked up the package. He held it out to the armed and masked men in front of him, smiling.
at eat shit (and die)!, excl.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 7: Kiss my bender and how ya doin.
at kiss my arse!, excl.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 9: You want to hurry your bad ass back.
at bad-ass, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 391: When they’re playing rummy [...] and someone makes a goof-ass discard.
at -ass, sfx
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 80: Henry could go barrel-assing down the road at sixty.
at barrel-ass, v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 7: Jackson Browne [...] put on a kick-ass show.
at kick-ass, adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 222: You clearly don’t know your asshole from your piehole.
at not know one’s asshole from one’s piehole (v.) under asshole, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 76: These babies [i.e. teeth] are right out in front. He didn’t know they were gone.
at baby, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 252: You saved our bacon, boss. Thanks.
at save someone’s bacon (v.) under bacon, n.1
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 98: ‘Wait,’ he said. ‘Bastardly knee’s tryin to lock up on me again.’.
at bastardly, adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 115: Put an egg in your shoe and beat it!
at put an egg in your shoe and beat it! (excl.) under beat it, v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 498: Gary Jones beats off in his graduation hat!
at beat off, v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 365: He had no doubt that this scared the everloving bejabbers out of the other guys, but not him.
at scare the bejazus out of (v.) under bejazus, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 335: Stop that blatting, laddie-buck.
at blat, v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 77: I thought he was going to blow his cookies when he leaned forward.
at blow (one’s) cookies, v.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 527: She’s got the bod of a Playboy Bunny.
at bod, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 223: ‘How are we going to come out of this, Pearly?’ ‘Clean?’ ‘Boffo!’.
at boffo!, excl.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 138: This year’s Tiger Homecoming Queen isn’t bollocky bare-ass.
at bollocky naked, adj.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 398: He held the joint out. It was a bomber.
at bomber, n.1
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 6: What about SSDD? Whose brainstorm had that been?
at brainstorm (n.) under brain, n.1
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 343: Just wondering if you got your share of that girl – you know, the one Frankie broke in. Did he give you sloppy seconds?
at break (someone) in (v.) under break, v.1
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 205: Pete Moore had to have his brewskis.
at brewski (n.) under brew, n.
[US] S. King Dreamcatcher 470: Push the buttons, bub.
at bub, n.3
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